Active Ingredient Agkistrodon Piscivorus Immune Fab Antivenin (ovine)

Active Ingredient Details

How many products in the NDC database contain Agkistrodon Piscivorus Immune Fab Antivenin (ovine)?

The NDC database has 1 products with the active ingredient Agkistrodon Piscivorus Immune Fab Antivenin (ovine). The following table lists all the products that have this active ingredient.

NDC Products with Agkistrodon Piscivorus Immune Fab Antivenin (ovine)

NDC Proprietary Name Non-Proprietary Name Dosage Form Route Name Company Name Status
50633-110Proprietary Name: Crofab Ovine Crotalidae Venoms Immune FabInjection, Powder, Lyophilized, For SolutionIntravenousBtg International Inc.ACTIVE