Active Ingredient Ecallantide

Active Ingredient Details

What is the usage for Ecallantide?

This medication is used to treat an acute attack of a certain immune disease passed down through families (hereditary angioedema-HAE). Ecallantide blocks a natural substance produced by the body (kallikrein) which acts to increase amounts of another natural substance (bradykinin) thought to cause the symptoms seen during an acute attack of HAE. This medication does not cure HAE. Ecallantide may lessen the symptoms during an acute attack of HAE such as rapid swelling and pain of the hands, feet, limbs, face, tongue, or throat. When attacks involve the intestines, symptoms may include abdominal pain/cramps, diarrhea or vomiting. Attacks of swelling may occur without reason. However, anxiety, stress, sickness, and surgery may trigger attacks in some people.

How many products in the NDC database contain Ecallantide?

The NDC database has 2 products with the active ingredient Ecallantide. The following table lists all the products that have this active ingredient.

NDC Products with Ecallantide

NDC Proprietary Name Non-Proprietary Name Dosage Form Route Name Company Name Status
47783-101Proprietary Name: Kalbitor EcallantideInjection, SolutionSubcutaneousTakeda Pharmaceuticals America, Inc.ACTIVE
63508-001Proprietary Name: EcallantideInjection, SolutionFujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies Uk Ltd.ACTIVE