Active Ingredient Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf

Active Ingredient Details

How many products in the NDC database contain Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf?

The NDC database has 5 products with the active ingredient Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf. The following table lists all the products that have this active ingredient.

NDC Products with Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf

NDC Proprietary Name Non-Proprietary Name Dosage Form Route Name Company Name Status
43742-1566Proprietary Name: Glucoreg Ascorbicum Acidum, Pyridoxinum Hydrochloricum, Riboflavinum, Sarcolacticum Acidu...LiquidOralDeseret Biologicals, Inc.ACTIVE
43742-2064Proprietary Name: Glucoreg Ascorbicum Acidum, Pyridoxinum Hydrochloricum, Riboflavinum, Sarcolacticum Acidu...LiquidOralDeseret Biologicals, Inc.ACTIVE
59088-162Proprietary Name: Diatrol Vitamins And MineralCapsuleOralPuretek CorporationACTIVE
70327-0002Proprietary Name: Natural Fit Kali Phosphoricum, Natrum Sulphuricum, Agnus Castus, Chelidonium Majus, Fucus Ve...LiquidOralAdvanced Healthcare SolutionsACTIVE
83027-0026Proprietary Name: Pancreas Liquescence Cinnamomum, Gymnema Sylvestre, Phosphoricum Acidum, Syzygium Jambolanum, Trigone...LiquidOralNutritional Specialties, Inc.ACTIVE