Active Ingredient Melaleuca Cajuputi Whole

Active Ingredient Details

How many products in the NDC database contain Melaleuca Cajuputi Whole?

The NDC database has 3 products with the active ingredient Melaleuca Cajuputi Whole. The following table lists all the products that have this active ingredient.

NDC Products with Melaleuca Cajuputi Whole

NDC Proprietary Name Non-Proprietary Name Dosage Form Route Name Company Name Status
0363-6501Proprietary Name: Walgreens Natural Yeast Treatment Calendula, MelaleucaOintmentVaginalWalgreensACTIVE
71042-028Proprietary Name: Femiclear Infection Protection Vaginal CreamCreamTopicalOrganicare Nature's Science, LlcACTIVE
71042-029Proprietary Name: Femiclear 2 Day Gentle 2 Day Yeast Infection GentleOintmentTopicalOrganicare Nature's Science, LlcACTIVE