Active Ingredient Pasireotide

Active Ingredient Details

How many products in the NDC database contain Pasireotide?

The NDC database has 8 products with the active ingredient Pasireotide. The following table lists all the products that have this active ingredient.

NDC Products with Pasireotide

NDC Proprietary Name Non-Proprietary Name Dosage Form Route Name Company Name Status
55292-131Proprietary Name: Signifor PasireotideInjectionSubcutaneousRecordati Rare Diseases, Inc.ACTIVE
55292-132Proprietary Name: Signifor PasireotideInjectionSubcutaneousRecordati Rare Diseases, Inc.ACTIVE
55292-133Proprietary Name: Signifor PasireotideInjectionSubcutaneousRecordati Rare Diseases, Inc.ACTIVE
71161-126Proprietary Name: PasireotideInjection, Powder, For SuspensionSynergy Health Ast, LlcACTIVE
71161-127Proprietary Name: PasireotideInjection, Powder, For SuspensionSynergy Health Ast, LlcACTIVE
71161-128Proprietary Name: PasireotideInjection, Powder, For SuspensionSynergy Health Ast, LlcACTIVE
71161-129Proprietary Name: PasireotideInjection, Powder, For SuspensionSynergy Health Ast, LlcACTIVE
71161-130Proprietary Name: PasireotideInjection, Powder, For SuspensionSynergy Health Ast, LlcACTIVE