Active Ingredient Tuna, Unspecified

Active Ingredient Details

How many products in the NDC database contain Tuna, Unspecified?

The NDC database has 3 products with the active ingredient Tuna, Unspecified. The following table lists all the products that have this active ingredient.

NDC Products with Tuna, Unspecified

NDC Proprietary Name Non-Proprietary Name Dosage Form Route Name Company Name Status
58264-0306Proprietary Name: A-14 Cod, Unspecified, Flounder, Unspecified, Halibut, Unspecified, Mackerel, Unspeci...SolutionSublingualDna Labs, Inc.ACTIVE
63776-165Proprietary Name: Foods Activated Charcoal, Ageratina Aromatica Root, Ferrous Iodide, Gelsemium Sempervi...SprayOralViatrexx Bio IncorporatedACTIVE
65044-3674Proprietary Name: Food - Fish And Shellfish, Tuna Thunnus Sp. Tuna Thunnus Sp.Injection, SolutionPercutaneous; SubcutaneousJubilant Hollisterstier LlcACTIVE