Typhim Vi

List of products in the National Drug Code with proprietary name typhim vi. This vaccine is used to help prevent typhoid fever. Vaccines work by increasing the body's natural defense (immunity) against the bacteria that cause the infection. This vaccine is recommended for people who are traveling to areas where the infection is common (e.g., Africa, Asia, Central/South America), those who are in close contact to someone with persistent typhoid infection, and those who work with the bacteria (Salmonella typhi) in a laboratory. This vaccine is used to prevent the disease and will not treat typhoid fever or a persistent typhoid infection.

NDC Proprietary Name Non-Proprietary Name Dosage Form Route Name Labeler Name Product Type
49281-790Typhim Vi Salmonella Typhi Ty2 Vi Polysaccharide AntigenInjection, SolutionIntramuscularSanofi Pasteur Inc.Vaccine
50090-1493Typhim Vi Salmonella Typhi Ty2 Vi Polysaccharide AntigenInjection, SolutionIntramuscularA-s Medication SolutionsVaccine
50090-1758Typhim Vi Salmonella Typhi Ty2 Vi Polysaccharide AntigenInjection, SolutionIntramuscularA-s Medication SolutionsVaccine