RxNorm 2550903

sotrovimab 500 MG in 8 ML Injection

RxNorm Semantic Concepts

RxNorm semantic concepts for the RxCUI 2550903 unique identifier include: sotrovimab 500 MG in 8 ML Injection (12737677), sotrovimab 500 MG per 8 ML Injection (12737676) and 8 ML sotrovimab 62.5 MG/ML Injection (12641301).

RxNorm Atom ID: 12737677 - Prescribable Name
sotrovimab 500 MG in 8 ML Injection

2550903 - RxNorm Unique Identifier for a concept (Concept ID)
ENG - Language of the Term
12737677 - Unique identifier for the atom (RxNorm Atom ID)
Is Prescribable?
NO - This drug IS NOT part of the RxNorm Current Prescribable Content, a subset of RxNorm that includes all drugs available for prescription in the United States.
Concept Description:
sotrovimab 500 MG in 8 ML Injection - Description of concept identifier
Term Type (TTY):
PSN - Term type in source with name and description
Term Type Name:
Prescribable Name - Name of term type in source
Term Type Description:
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept. - Description of term type in source
2550903 - "Most useful" source asserted identifier. If the source vocabulary has more than one identifier, or a RxNorm-generated source entry identifier. (if the source vocabulary has none.)
Suppress Flag:
Suppressible flag. Values = N, O, Y, or E. N - not suppressible. O - Specific individual names (atoms) set as Obsolete because the name is no longer provided by the original source. Y - Suppressed by RxNorm editor. E - unquantified, non-prescribable drug with related quantified, prescribable drugs. NLM strongly recommends that users not alter editor-assigned suppressibility.
- Content view flag. RxNorm includes one value, '4096', to denote inclusion in the Current Prescribable Content subset. All rows with CVF='4096' can be found in the subset.
RXNORM - Concept source abbreviation
Source Name:
RxNorm Vocabulary - The official name for a source
Source Version:
20AA_240401F - The source version
Source Date:
March 04, 2024 - RxNorm data last updated
Source License Contact:
RxNorm Customer Service

U.S. National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike

United States
(888) FIND-NLM

[email protected]
https://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm/ - The source license contact information
Source Content Contact:
RxNorm Customer Service

U.S. National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike

United States
(888) FIND-NLM

[email protected]
https://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm/ - The source content contact information
Source Short Name:
RxNorm work done by the National Library of Medicine - The short name of a source as used by the NLM Knowledge Source Server

RxNorm Atom ID: 12737676 - Synonym
sotrovimab 500 MG per 8 ML Injection

2550903 - RxNorm Unique Identifier for a concept (Concept ID)
ENG - Language of the Term
12737676 - Unique identifier for the atom (RxNorm Atom ID)
Is Prescribable?
NO - This drug IS NOT part of the RxNorm Current Prescribable Content, a subset of RxNorm that includes all drugs available for prescription in the United States.
Concept Description:
sotrovimab 500 MG per 8 ML Injection - Description of concept identifier
Term Type (TTY):
SY - Term type in source with name and description
Term Type Name:
Synonym - Name of term type in source
Term Type Description:
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity. - Description of term type in source
2550903 - "Most useful" source asserted identifier. If the source vocabulary has more than one identifier, or a RxNorm-generated source entry identifier. (if the source vocabulary has none.)
Suppress Flag:
Suppressible flag. Values = N, O, Y, or E. N - not suppressible. O - Specific individual names (atoms) set as Obsolete because the name is no longer provided by the original source. Y - Suppressed by RxNorm editor. E - unquantified, non-prescribable drug with related quantified, prescribable drugs. NLM strongly recommends that users not alter editor-assigned suppressibility.
- Content view flag. RxNorm includes one value, '4096', to denote inclusion in the Current Prescribable Content subset. All rows with CVF='4096' can be found in the subset.
RXNORM - Concept source abbreviation
Source Name:
RxNorm Vocabulary - The official name for a source
Source Version:
20AA_240401F - The source version
Source Date:
March 04, 2024 - RxNorm data last updated
Source License Contact:
RxNorm Customer Service

U.S. National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike

United States
(888) FIND-NLM

[email protected]
https://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm/ - The source license contact information
Source Content Contact:
RxNorm Customer Service

U.S. National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike

United States
(888) FIND-NLM

[email protected]
https://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm/ - The source content contact information
Source Short Name:
RxNorm work done by the National Library of Medicine - The short name of a source as used by the NLM Knowledge Source Server

RxNorm Atom ID: 12641301 - Semantic Clinical Drug
8 ML sotrovimab 62.5 MG/ML Injection

2550903 - RxNorm Unique Identifier for a concept (Concept ID)
ENG - Language of the Term
12641301 - Unique identifier for the atom (RxNorm Atom ID)
Is Prescribable?
NO - This drug IS NOT part of the RxNorm Current Prescribable Content, a subset of RxNorm that includes all drugs available for prescription in the United States.
Concept Description:
8 ML sotrovimab 62.5 MG/ML Injection - Description of concept identifier
Term Type (TTY):
SCD - Term type in source with name and description
Term Type Name:
Semantic Clinical Drug - Name of term type in source
Term Type Description:
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form - Description of term type in source
2550903 - "Most useful" source asserted identifier. If the source vocabulary has more than one identifier, or a RxNorm-generated source entry identifier. (if the source vocabulary has none.)
Suppress Flag:
Suppressible flag. Values = N, O, Y, or E. N - not suppressible. O - Specific individual names (atoms) set as Obsolete because the name is no longer provided by the original source. Y - Suppressed by RxNorm editor. E - unquantified, non-prescribable drug with related quantified, prescribable drugs. NLM strongly recommends that users not alter editor-assigned suppressibility.
- Content view flag. RxNorm includes one value, '4096', to denote inclusion in the Current Prescribable Content subset. All rows with CVF='4096' can be found in the subset.
RXNORM - Concept source abbreviation
Source Name:
RxNorm Vocabulary - The official name for a source
Source Version:
20AA_240401F - The source version
Source Date:
March 04, 2024 - RxNorm data last updated
Source License Contact:
RxNorm Customer Service

U.S. National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike

United States
(888) FIND-NLM

[email protected]
https://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm/ - The source license contact information
Source Content Contact:
RxNorm Customer Service

U.S. National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike

United States
(888) FIND-NLM

[email protected]
https://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm/ - The source content contact information
Source Short Name:
RxNorm work done by the National Library of Medicine - The short name of a source as used by the NLM Knowledge Source Server

RxNorm Atom 12641301 Attributes

RXN AI{2550900} 2550731RXCUI of BOSS Active Ingredient preceded by RXCUI of SCDC responsible for value
RXN AM{2550900} 2550731RXCUI of BOSS Active Moiety preceded by RXCUI of SCDC responsible for value
RXN BOSS FROM{2550900} AISource of BOSS as either from the active ingredient (AI) or the active moiety (AM) preceded by RXCUI of SCDC responsible for value
RXN QUANTITY8 MLNormal Form quantity factor

* This product uses publicly available data courtesy of the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services; NLM is not responsible for the product and does not endorse or recommend this or any other product.

Patient Education

Sotrovimab Injection

Sotrovimab injection is used to treat COVID-19 infection in certain non-hospitalized adults and children 12 years of age and older who weigh at least 88 pounds (40 kg) and who have mild to moderate COVID-19 symptoms. It is used in people who have certain medical conditions that make them at higher risk for developing severe COVID-19 symptoms, including the need to be hospitalized from COVID-19 infection or death. Sotrovimab is in a class called monoclonal antibodies. It works by blocking the action of a certain natural substance in the body in order to stop the spread of the virus.
[Learn More]

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