RxNorm 392491

amylase / lipase / protease

RxNorm Semantic Concepts

RxNorm semantic concepts for the RxCUI 392491 unique identifier include: amylase / lipase / protease (12353436), Pancreatic amylase- and pancreatic lipase- and pancreatic protease-containing product (12821328) and Product containing pancreatic amylase and pancreatic lipase and pancreatic protease (medicinal product) (12821469).

RxNorm Atom ID: 12353436 - Multiple Ingredients
amylase / lipase / protease

392491 - RxNorm Unique Identifier for a concept (Concept ID)
ENG - Language of the Term
12353436 - Unique identifier for the atom (RxNorm Atom ID)
Is Prescribable?
YES - This drug is part of the RxNorm Current Prescribable Content, a subset of RxNorm that includes all drugs available for prescription in the United States. The Current Prescribable subset also includes over-the-counter drugs.
Concept Description:
amylase / lipase / protease - Description of concept identifier
Term Type (TTY):
MIN - Term type in source with name and description
Term Type Name:
Multiple Ingredients - Name of term type in source
Term Type Description:
Two or more ingredients appearing together in a single drug preparation, created from SCDF. In rare cases when IN/PIN or PIN/PIN combinations of the same base ingredient exist, created from SCD. - Description of term type in source
392491 - "Most useful" source asserted identifier. If the source vocabulary has more than one identifier, or a RxNorm-generated source entry identifier. (if the source vocabulary has none.)
Suppress Flag:
Suppressible flag. Values = N, O, Y, or E. N - not suppressible. O - Specific individual names (atoms) set as Obsolete because the name is no longer provided by the original source. Y - Suppressed by RxNorm editor. E - unquantified, non-prescribable drug with related quantified, prescribable drugs. NLM strongly recommends that users not alter editor-assigned suppressibility.
4096 - Content view flag. RxNorm includes one value, '4096', to denote inclusion in the Current Prescribable Content subset. All rows with CVF='4096' can be found in the subset.
RXNORM - Concept source abbreviation
Source Name:
RxNorm Vocabulary - The official name for a source
Source Version:
20AA_240401F - The source version
Source Date:
April 01, 2024 - RxNorm data last updated
Source License Contact:
RxNorm Customer Service

U.S. National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike

United States
(888) FIND-NLM

[email protected]
https://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm/ - The source license contact information
Source Content Contact:
RxNorm Customer Service

U.S. National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike

United States
(888) FIND-NLM

[email protected]
https://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm/ - The source content contact information
Source Short Name:
RxNorm work done by the National Library of Medicine - The short name of a source as used by the NLM Knowledge Source Server

RxNorm Atom ID: 12821328 - Designated preferred name
Pancreatic amylase- and pancreatic lipase- and pancreatic protease-containing product

392491 - RxNorm Unique Identifier for a concept (Concept ID)
ENG - Language of the Term
12821328 - Unique identifier for the atom (RxNorm Atom ID)
Is Prescribable?
YES - This drug is part of the RxNorm Current Prescribable Content, a subset of RxNorm that includes all drugs available for prescription in the United States. The Current Prescribable subset also includes over-the-counter drugs.
Concept Description:
Pancreatic amylase- and pancreatic lipase- and pancreatic protease-containing product - Description of concept identifier
Term Type (TTY):
PT - Term type in source with name and description
Term Type Name:
Designated preferred name - Name of term type in source
Term Type Description:
- Description of term type in source
1269120006 - "Most useful" source asserted identifier. If the source vocabulary has more than one identifier, or a RxNorm-generated source entry identifier. (if the source vocabulary has none.)
Suppress Flag:
Suppressible flag. Values = N, O, Y, or E. N - not suppressible. O - Specific individual names (atoms) set as Obsolete because the name is no longer provided by the original source. Y - Suppressed by RxNorm editor. E - unquantified, non-prescribable drug with related quantified, prescribable drugs. NLM strongly recommends that users not alter editor-assigned suppressibility.
- Content view flag. RxNorm includes one value, '4096', to denote inclusion in the Current Prescribable Content subset. All rows with CVF='4096' can be found in the subset.
SNOMEDCT_US - Concept source abbreviation
Source Name:
US Edition of SNOMED CT - The official name for a source
Source Version:
2024_01_01 - The source version
Source Date:
April 01, 2024 - RxNorm data last updated
Source License Contact:
National Library Of Medicine
NLM is a Charter Member of SNOMED International on behalf of the U.S.
National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike

United States
1-888-FIND-NLM (1-888-346-3656)

- The source license contact information
Source Content Contact:
National Library Of Medicine
NLM is a Charter Member of SNOMED International on behalf of the U.S.
National Library Of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike

United States
1-888-FIND-NLM (1-888-346-3656)

- The source content contact information
Source Short Name:
US Edition of SNOMED CT - The short name of a source as used by the NLM Knowledge Source Server

RxNorm Atom ID: 12821469 - Full form of descriptor
Product containing pancreatic amylase and pancreatic lipase and pancreatic protease (medicinal product)

392491 - RxNorm Unique Identifier for a concept (Concept ID)
ENG - Language of the Term
12821469 - Unique identifier for the atom (RxNorm Atom ID)
Is Prescribable?
YES - This drug is part of the RxNorm Current Prescribable Content, a subset of RxNorm that includes all drugs available for prescription in the United States. The Current Prescribable subset also includes over-the-counter drugs.
Concept Description:
Product containing pancreatic amylase and pancreatic lipase and pancreatic protease (medicinal product) - Description of concept identifier
Term Type (TTY):
FN - Term type in source with name and description
Term Type Name:
Full form of descriptor - Name of term type in source
Term Type Description:
- Description of term type in source
1269120006 - "Most useful" source asserted identifier. If the source vocabulary has more than one identifier, or a RxNorm-generated source entry identifier. (if the source vocabulary has none.)
Suppress Flag:
Suppressible flag. Values = N, O, Y, or E. N - not suppressible. O - Specific individual names (atoms) set as Obsolete because the name is no longer provided by the original source. Y - Suppressed by RxNorm editor. E - unquantified, non-prescribable drug with related quantified, prescribable drugs. NLM strongly recommends that users not alter editor-assigned suppressibility.
- Content view flag. RxNorm includes one value, '4096', to denote inclusion in the Current Prescribable Content subset. All rows with CVF='4096' can be found in the subset.
SNOMEDCT_US - Concept source abbreviation
Source Name:
US Edition of SNOMED CT - The official name for a source
Source Version:
2024_01_01 - The source version
Source Date:
April 01, 2024 - RxNorm data last updated
Source License Contact:
National Library Of Medicine
NLM is a Charter Member of SNOMED International on behalf of the U.S.
National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike

United States
1-888-FIND-NLM (1-888-346-3656)

- The source license contact information
Source Content Contact:
National Library Of Medicine
NLM is a Charter Member of SNOMED International on behalf of the U.S.
National Library Of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike

United States
1-888-FIND-NLM (1-888-346-3656)

- The source content contact information
Source Short Name:
US Edition of SNOMED CT - The short name of a source as used by the NLM Knowledge Source Server

* This product uses publicly available data courtesy of the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services; NLM is not responsible for the product and does not endorse or recommend this or any other product.

Patient Education


Pancrelipase delayed-release capsules (Creon, Pancreaze, Pertzye, Ultresa, Zenpep) are used to improve digestion of food in children and adults who do not have enough pancreatic enzymes (substances needed to break down food so it can be digested) because they have a condition that affects the pancreas (a gland that produces several important substances including enzymes needed to digest food) such as cystic fibrosis (an inborn disease that causes the body to produce thick, sticky mucus that may clog the pancreas, the lungs, and other parts of the body), chronic pancreatitis (swelling of the pancreas that does not go away), or a blockage in the passages between the pancreas and the intestine. Pancrelipase delayed-release capsules (Creon, Pancreaze, Zenpep) are also used to improve digestion of food in infants who do not have enough pancreatic enzymes (substances needed to break down food so it can be digested) because they have cystic fibrosis or another condition that affects the pancreas. Pancrelipase delayed-release capsules (Creon) are also used to improve digestion in people who have had surgery to remove all or part of the pancreas or stomach. Pancrelipase tablets (Viokace) are used along with another medication (proton pump inhibitor; PPI) to improve digestion of foods in adults who have chronic pancreatitis or who have had surgery to remove the pancreas. Pancrelipase is in a class of medications called enzymes. Pancrelipase acts in place of the enzymes normally made by the pancreas. It works to decrease fatty bowel movements and to improve nutrition by breaking down fats, proteins, and starches from food into smaller substances that can be absorbed from the intestine.
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