UNII Information

Unique Ingredient Identifier: 2P6QV2ZE52
The Unique Ingredient Identifier (UNII) is a unique alphanumeric code assigned to a specific substance or ingredient by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). UNII codes are non-proprietary, free, unique, unambiguous and nonsemantic. Each UNII code consists of 10 characters with both letters and numbers. The first two characters represent the source of the substance while the remaining eight characters represent the specific substance. UNII codes are primarily used to identify and track substances in several drug databases and regulatory documents related to drugs, biologics, and medical devices.
Formula: 11631
Molecular Formula, total atoms represented as a molecular structure in a UNII description.
The Preferred Substance Name (PSN) is the official or preferred name of a substance or ingredient. The preferred name provides a standardized and consistent name for each substance is used in the UNII code system. The preferred name may differ from other names also commonly used to refer the same substance. The PSN is usually the name used by regulatory agencies like the FDA.
InChIKey: HI-01
The InChIKey to a unique identifier for a specific substance or ingredient that is based on its molecular structure. InChIKey stands for International Chemical Identifier Key and is a fixed-length string created from the IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI). The InChIKey is useful in drug development and chemical analysis, where the molecular structure of a substance is an important factor in determining its properties and effects.
Registry Number: 2305040-16-6
The Registry Number is the unique numerical identifiers assigned to a substance or ingredient by the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS). The CAS registry number is a used and recognized standard identifier by many industries and regulatory agencies. The Registry Number facilitates cross-referencing substances between different databases that may use different naming conventions or identifiers.
NCI Thesaurus Concept Code: C177062
The NCI Thesaurus give reference terminology for many systems. The code includes vocabulary for clinical care, translational research, basic research, public information and administrative activities.
The International Organization for Standardization - ISO 11238 substance type is used as a data element in the UNII code system to provide additional information about the type of substance being identified.

UNII Synonyms and Mappings

The following synonyms and mappings provide alternative ways to refer to the same substance or ingredient. Synonyms may include different names or spellings, alternate chemical names, trade names, or other common names.

  • DELANDISTROGENE MOXEPARVOVEC - Name identified as having official status
  • SRP-9001 - Code

UNII Resources

Common Chemistry
CAS Common Chemistry is an open community resource of the American Chemical Society for accessing chemical information. The chemical information in the CAS database is curated by expert scientists and includes information of common and frequently regulated chemicals and information applicable to high school and undergraduate chemistry classes.
Inxight Drugs
The National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) Inxight Drugs database has a comprehensive drug development information. The NCATS Inxight Drugs includes manually curated data provided by private companies and FDA. The database has marketing and regulatory status information, rigorous drug ingredient definitions, biological activity, clinical use, etc.
DailyMed Regulated Products
The National Library of Medicine DailyMed is a searchable database that includes the most recent product labeling information submitted to the FDA by private companies.
NCATS GSRS Full Record
The Global Substance Registration System (GSRS) was designed to facilitate global monitoring of human and animal medicinal, food, tobacco, and cosmetic products. GSRS includes unique substance identifiers consistent with the ISO 11238 standard.
NCI Thesaurus
NCI Thesaurus (NCIt) by the National Cancer Institute provides reference terminology for clinical care, translational and basic research, and public information and administrative activities.

UNII Crossover to NDC Codes

This unique ingredient identifier is listed as an ingredient or substance in the following products in the NDC directory:

NDC Proprietary Name Non-Proprietary Name Dosage Form Route Name Company Name Status
60923-501Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-502Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-503Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-504Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-505Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-506Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-507Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-508Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-509Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-510Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-511Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-512Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-513Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-514Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-515Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-516Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-517Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-518Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-519Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-520Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-521Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-522Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-523Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-524Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-525Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-526Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-527Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-528Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-529Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-530Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-531Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-532Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-533Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-534Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-535Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-536Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-537Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-538Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-539Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-540Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-541Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-542Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-543Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-544Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-545Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-546Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-547Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-548Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-549Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-550Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-551Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-552Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-553Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-554Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-555Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-556Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-557Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-558Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-559Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-560Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE
60923-561Proprietary Name: Elevidys Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec-roklKitIntravenousSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.ACTIVE