NDC to RxNorm Crosswalk 0268-6001 House Dust

View RxNorm Concepts, RxCUIs, Term Types

RxNorm Crosswalk Information

This drug is included in the RxNorm Current Prescribable Content, a subset of RxNorm that includes all drugs available for prescription in the United States.

The RxNorm crosswalk for NDC code 0268-6001 indicates multiple RxNorm Concept Unique Identifiers known as RxCUIs associated to the product House Dust . The unique RxCUI concepts linked to this product are: 1013964, 1014194, 1014343, 1098356, 1115265, 1115273, 1115851, 1299985, 1299996, 2167829, 2632086, 307922, 851735, 851743 and 851747, etc. RxCUIs are identifiers that group each chemically distinct drug into a single code regardless of manufacturer or package size. Drugs mapped to the same RxCUI are considered the same drug as having the same ingredients, strengths, and dose forms. The RxNorm mapping may include repeated RxCUI concepts with different descriptions and term types.

RxCUI: 1013964

Concept: bald cypress pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: bald cypress pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: bald cypress pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Taxodium distichum pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Taxodium distichum pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 1014194

Concept: cedar elm pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: cedar elm pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: cedar elm pollen extract 1:20 Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Ulmus crassifolia pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Ulmus crassifolia pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 1014343

Concept: Italian rye grass pollen extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Italian rye grass pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 1098356

Concept: orris root allergenic extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: orris root allergenic extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Iris germanica var. florentina root allergenic extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Iris germanica var. florentina root allergenic extract 1 GM per 20 ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Iris germanica var. florentina root extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 1115265

Concept: bluegum eucalyptus pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Eucalyptus globulus pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Eucalyptus globulus pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Eucalyptus globulus pollen extract 1 GM per 20 ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 1115273

Concept: bluegum eucalyptus pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Eucalyptus globulus pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form

RxCUI: 1115851

Concept: common cocklebur pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: common cocklebur pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Xanthium strumarium var. canadense pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 1299985

Concept: Siberian elm pollen extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Siberian elm pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Siberian elm pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Ulmus pumila pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Ulmus pumila pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 1299996

Concept: Siberian elm pollen extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Siberian elm pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Ulmus pumila pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 2167829

Concept: sweet wormwood pollen extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: sweet wormwood pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Artemisia annua pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Artemisia annua pollen extract 1 GM per 20 ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Artemisia annua pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 2632086

Concept: Peruvian pepper tree pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Peruvian pepper tree pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Schinus molle pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Schinus molle pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Soluti
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 307922

Concept: house dust allergenic extract 10,000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: house dust allergenic extract 10000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: house dust extract 10,000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 851735

Concept: Acacia pollen extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Acacia pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form

RxCUI: 851743

Concept: box elder maple pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: box elder maple pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Acer negundo pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Acer negundo pollen extract 1 GM per 20 ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Acer negundo pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 851747

Concept: red maple pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: red maple pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Acer rubrum pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Acer rubrum pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 851877

Concept: hard maple pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: hard maple pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Acer saccharum pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Acer saccharum pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: sugar maple pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 851893

Concept: tree of heaven pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: tree of heaven pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Ailanthus altissima pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Ailanthus altissima pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 851905

Concept: tag alder pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: tag alder pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Alnus incana ssp. rugosa pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Alnus incana ssp. rugosa pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 851933

Concept: redroot pigweed pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: redroot pigweed pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Amaranthus retroflexus pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Amaranthus retroflexus pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 851941

Concept: false ragweed pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: false ragweed pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Ambrosia acanthicarpa pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Ambrosia acanthicarpa pollen extract 1 GM per 20 ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Ambrosia acanthicarpa pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 851988

Concept: western ragweed pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: western ragweed pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Ambrosia psilostachya pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Ambrosia psilostachya pollen extract 1 GM per 20 ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Ambrosia psilostachya pollen extract 1:20 Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Ambrosia psilostachya pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 851993

Concept: slender ragweed pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: slender ragweed pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Ambrosia tenuifolia pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852001

Concept: giant ragweed pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: giant ragweed pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Ambrosia trifida pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Ambrosia trifida pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852018

Concept: corn pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: corn pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: cultivated corn pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Zea mays pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Zea mays pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852023

Concept: common sagebrush pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: common sagebrush pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Artemisia tridentata pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Artemisia tridentata pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852032

Concept: mugwort sage pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: mugwort sage pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Artemisia vulgaris pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Artemisia vulgaris pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852041

Concept: corn smut allergenic extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: corn smut allergenic extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: corn smut allergenic extract 1:20 Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Ustilago maydis extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Ustilago maydis extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852057

Concept: American elm pollen extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: American elm pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: American elm pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Ulmus americana pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Ulmus americana pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852060

Concept: Aspergillus fumigatus extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Aspergillus fumigatus allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Aspergillus fumigatus extract 0.1 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852105

Concept: Pullularia extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Aureobasidium pullulans var. pullutans allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Aureobasidium pullulans var. pullutans extract 0.1 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Aureobasidium pullulans var. pullutans extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852139

Concept: Johnson grass pollen extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Johnson grass pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Sorghum halepense pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Sorghum halepense pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852147

Concept: cherry birch pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: cherry birch pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Betula lenta pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: sweet birch pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852151

Concept: river birch pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: river birch pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Betula nigra pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Betula nigra pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852161

Concept: Russian thistle pollen extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Russian thistle pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Salsola kali pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Salsola kali pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852192

Concept: Botrytis cinerea allergenic extract 100 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Botrytis cinerea allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Botrytis cinerea extract 0.1 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852212

Concept: yellow dock pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: yellow dock pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Rumex crispus pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Rumex crispus pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852216

Concept: sheep sorrel pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: sheep sorrel pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Rumex acetosella pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Rumex acetosella pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: sheep sorrel pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852220

Concept: smooth brome pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: smooth brome pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Bromus inermis pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Bromus inermis pollen extract 1 GM per 20 ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Bromus inermis pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852224

Concept: shagbark hickory pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: shagbark hickory pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Carya ovata pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Carya ovata pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852232

Concept: Australian pine pollen extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Australian pine pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Casuarina equisetifolia pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Casuarina equisetifolia pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852240

Concept: lambs quarters pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: lambs quarters pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Chenopodium album pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Chenopodium album pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852271

Concept: red oak pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: red oak pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Quercus rubra pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Quercus rubra pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852275

Concept: pecan pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: pecan pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Carya illinoinensis pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Carya illinoinensis pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852284

Concept: hazelnut pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: hazelnut pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Corylus americana pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Corylus americana pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852297

Concept: white oak pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: white oak pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Quercus alba pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Quercus alba pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: white oak pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852301

Concept: guinea pig skin extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: guinea pig skin extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Cavia porcellus epithelia extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Cavia porcellus epithelia extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852305

Concept: coast live oak pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: coast live oak pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: California live oak pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Quercus agrifolia pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Quercus agrifolia pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852323

Concept: mesquite pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: mesquite pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: mesquite pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Prosopis juliflora pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Prosopis juliflora pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852327

Concept: hackberry pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: hackberry pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Celtis occidentalis pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Celtis occidentalis pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852332

Concept: salt grass pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: salt grass pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Distichlis spicata pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Distichlis spicata pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852342

Concept: aspen pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: aspen pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: aspen pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Populus tremuloides pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Populus tremuloides pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852346

Concept: quackgrass pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: quackgrass pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: couch grass pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Elymus repens pollen extract 1 GM per 20 ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Elymus repens pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852358

Concept: Fremont cottonwood pollen extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Fremont cottonwood pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Populus fremontii pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Populus fremontii pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852366

Concept: eastern cottonwood pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: eastern cottonwood pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: eastern cottonwood pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Populus deltoides pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Populus deltoides pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852375

Concept: Chaetomium globosum allergenic extract 100 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Chaetomium globosum allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Chaetomium globosum allergenic extract 0.1 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Chaetomium globosum extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852385

Concept: white poplar pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: white poplar pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Populus alba pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Populus alba pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: white poplar pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852422

Concept: beech pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: beech pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Fagus grandifolia pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Fagus grandifolia pollen extract 1 GM per 20 ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Fagus grandifolia pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852453

Concept: white ash pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: white ash pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Fraxinus americana pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Fraxinus americana pollen extract 1 GM per 20 ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Fraxinus americana pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852469

Concept: Epicoccum nigrum extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Epicoccum nigrum allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Epicoccum nigrum extract 0.1 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852517

Concept: velvet grass pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: velvet grass pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Holcus lanatus pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Holcus lanatus pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852535

Concept: rough marshelder pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: rough marshelder pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Iva annua var. annua pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Iva annua var. annua pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852554

Concept: burweed marshelder pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: burweed marshelder pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Cyclachaena xanthifolia pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Iva xanthifolia pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852572

Concept: black walnut pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: black walnut pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: black walnut pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Juglans nigra pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Juglans nigra pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852580

Concept: English walnut pollen extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: English walnut pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Juglans regia pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Juglans regia pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852584

Concept: mountain cedar pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: mountain cedar pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Juniperus ashei pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Juniperus ashei pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: mountain cedar pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852588

Concept: California juniper pollen extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: California juniper pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Juniperus californica pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852596

Concept: burning bush pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: burning bush pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Bassia scoparia pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Kochia scoparia pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: summer cypress pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852612

Concept: red cedar pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: red cedar pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Juniperus virginiana pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Juniperus virginiana pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: red cedar pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852625

Concept: privet pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: privet pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Ligustrum vulgare pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Ligustrum vulgare pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: privet pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852630

Concept: sweet gum pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: sweet gum pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Liquidambar styraciflua pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Liquidambar styraciflua pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: sweet gum pollen extract 1:20 Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852656

Concept: European olive pollen extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: european olive pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: European olive pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Olea europaea pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Olea europaea pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852672

Concept: white mulberry pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: white mulberry pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Morus alba pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Morus alba pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: white mulberry pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852676

Concept: bahia grass pollen extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: bahia grass pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Paspalum notatum pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Paspalum notatum pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852683

Concept: red mulberry pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: red mulberry pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Morus rubra pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Morus rubra pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: red mulberry pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852712

Concept: shortleaf pine pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: shortleaf pine pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Pinus echinata pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Pinus echinata pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: southern yellow pine extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852741

Concept: eastern white pine pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: eastern white pine pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: eastern white pine pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Pinus strobus pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Pinus strobus pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852745

Concept: English plantain pollen extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: English plantain pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Plantago lanceolata pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Plantago lanceolata pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852749

Concept: eastern sycamore pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: eastern sycamore pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: American sycamore pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: eastern sycamore pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Platanus occidentalis pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Platanus occidentalis pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852763

Concept: Rhizopus arrhizus allergenic extract 100 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Rhizopus arrhizus allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Rhizopus arrhizus extract 0.1 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Rhizopus arrhizuz var. arrhizus extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 852817

Concept: Arizona cypress pollen extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Arizona cypress pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Cupressus arizonica pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Cupressus arizonica pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 854133

Concept: Penicillium chrysogenum var. chrysogenum extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Penicillium chrysogenum var. chrysogenum allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Penicillium chrysogenum var. chrysogenum extract 0.1 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Penicillium notatum allergenic extract 0.1 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867112

Concept: Acacia pollen extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Acacia pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form

RxCUI: 867114

Concept: box elder maple pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: box elder maple pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Acer negundo pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867116

Concept: red maple pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: red maple pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Acer rubrum pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867118

Concept: hard maple pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: hard maple pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Acer saccharum pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867125

Concept: tag alder pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: tag alder pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Alnus incana ssp. rugosa pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867127

Concept: Alternaria alternata allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Alternaria alternata allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Alternaria tenuis allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867129

Concept: careless weed pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: careless weed pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Amaranthus palmeri pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867131

Concept: redroot pigweed pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: redroot pigweed pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Amaranthus retroflexus pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867133

Concept: western waterhemp pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: western waterhemp pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Amaranthus tuberculatus pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867135

Concept: false ragweed pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: false ragweed pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Ambrosia acanthicarpa pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867137

Concept: western ragweed pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: western ragweed pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Ambrosia psilostachya pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867139

Concept: giant ragweed pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: giant ragweed pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Ambrosia trifida pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867145

Concept: prairie sagebrush pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: prairie sagebrush pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Artemisia frigida pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867147

Concept: common sagebrush pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: common sagebrush pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Artemisia tridentata pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867149

Concept: mugwort sage pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: mugwort sage pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Artemisia vulgaris pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867151

Concept: Aspergillus fumigatus allergenic extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Aspergillus fumigatus allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Aspergillus fumigatus extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867158

Concept: Aureobasidium pullulans var. pullutans allergenic extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Aureobasidium pullulans var. pullutans allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Aureobasidium pullulans var. pullutans extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867161

Concept: Aspergillus niger allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Aspergillus niger allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form

RxCUI: 867163

Concept: cherry birch pollen extract 2 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: cherry birch pollen extract 2 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Betula lenta pollen extract 0.002 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Betula lenta pollen extract 2 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867165

Concept: cherry birch pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: cherry birch pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Betula lenta pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867167

Concept: river birch pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: river birch pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Betula nigra pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: red birch pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867171

Concept: domestic cow skin extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: domestic cow skin extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Bos taurus skin extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867173

Concept: Botrytis cinerea allergenic extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Botrytis cinerea allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Botrytis cinerea extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867177

Concept: smooth brome pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: smooth brome pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Bromus inermis pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867179

Concept: Candida albicans allergenic extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Candida albicans allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Candida albicans extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867187

Concept: pecan pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: pecan pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Carya illinoinensis pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867189

Concept: shagbark hickory pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: shagbark hickory pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Carya ovata pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867191

Concept: Australian pine pollen extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Australian pine pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Casuarina equisetifolia pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867193

Concept: guinea pig skin extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: guinea pig skin extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Cavia porcellus skin extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867195

Concept: Chaetomium globosum allergenic extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Chaetomium globosum allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Chaetomium globosum extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867197

Concept: lambs quarters pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: lambs quarters pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Chenopodium album pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867201

Concept: Cladosporium cladosporioides extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Cladosporium cladosporioides extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form

RxCUI: 867205

Concept: Cladosporium sphaerospermum allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: cladosporium sphaerospermum allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form

RxCUI: 867207

Concept: Cochliobolus sativus allergenic extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Cochliobolus sativus allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Cochliobolus sativus extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867209

Concept: hazelnut pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: hazelnut pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Corylus americana pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867211

Concept: Arizona cypress pollen extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Arizona cypress pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Cupressus arizonica pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867213

Concept: Epicoccum nigrum allergenic extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Epicoccum nigrum allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Epicoccum nigrum extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867215

Concept: horse skin extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: horse skin extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Equus caballus skin extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867221

Concept: dogfennel pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: dogfennel pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Eupatorium capillifolium pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867223

Concept: beech pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: beech pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Fagus grandifolia pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867225

Concept: white ash pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: white ash pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Fraxinus americana pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867227

Concept: Arizona ash pollen extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Arizona ash pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Fraxinus velutina pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867231

Concept: Fusarium oxysporum vasinfectum allergenic extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Fusarium oxysporum vasinfectum allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Fusarium oxysporum vasinfectum extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867235

Concept: Helminthosporium solani allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Helminthosporium solani allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form

RxCUI: 867237

Concept: velvet grass pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: velvet grass pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Holcus lanatus pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867239

Concept: house dust allergenic extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: house dust allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: house dust extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867241

Concept: rough marshelder pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: rough marshelder pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Iva annua var. annua pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867243

Concept: burweed marshelder pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: burweed marshelder pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Iva xanthifolia pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867245

Concept: black walnut pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: black walnut pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Juglans nigra pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867247

Concept: English walnut pollen extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: English walnut pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Juglans regia pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867249

Concept: mountain cedar pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: mountain cedar pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Juniperus ashei pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867251

Concept: California juniper pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: California juniper pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Juniperus californica pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867253

Concept: red cedar pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: red cedar pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Juniperus virginiana pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867255

Concept: burning bush pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: burning bush pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Bassia scoparia pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Kochia scoparia pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867257

Concept: privet pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: privet pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Ligustrum vulgare pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867259

Concept: sweet gum pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: sweet gum pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Liquidambar styraciflua pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867263

Concept: southern bayberry pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: southern bayberry pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Morella cerifera pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867265

Concept: white mulberry pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: white mulberry pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Morus alba pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867267

Concept: red mulberry pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: red mulberry pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Morus rubra pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867271

Concept: Mucor plumbeus allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Mucor plumbeus allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form

RxCUI: 867273

Concept: house mouse skin extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: house mouse skin extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Mus musculus skin extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867277

Concept: Neurospora intermedia allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: neurospora intermedia allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form

RxCUI: 867279

Concept: European olive pollen extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: european olive pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Olea europaea pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867281

Concept: bahia grass pollen extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: bahia grass pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Paspalum notatum pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867287

Concept: Phoma exigua var. exigua allergenic extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Phoma exigua var. exigua allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Phoma exigua var. exigua extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867289

Concept: English plantain pollen extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: English plantain pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Plantago lanceolata pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867291

Concept: eastern sycamore pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: eastern sycamore pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: American sycamore pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Platanus occidentalis pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867293

Concept: white poplar pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: white poplar pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Populus alba pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867295

Concept: eastern cottonwood pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: eastern cottonwood pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Populus deltoides pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867300

Concept: plains cottonwood pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: plains cottonwood pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: plains cottonwood pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Populus deltoides subsp. monilifera pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Populus deltoides subsp. monilifera pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: western cottonwood pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: western cottonwood pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867302

Concept: plains cottonwood pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: plains cottonwood pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Populus deltoides subsp. monilifera pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867304

Concept: mesquite pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: mesquite pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Prosopis juliflora pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867306

Concept: coast live oak pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: coast live oak pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Quercus agrifolia pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867308

Concept: white oak pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: white oak pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Quercus alba pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867310

Concept: red oak pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: red oak pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Quercus rubra pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867314

Concept: live oak pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: live oak pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Quercus virginiana pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867318

Concept: rabbit skin extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: rabbit skin extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: rabbit skin extract 1,000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867320

Concept: Rhizopus arrhizus allergenic extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Rhizopus arrhizus allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Rhizopus arrhizus extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867324

Concept: Rhodotorula rubra allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Rhodotorula rubra allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form

RxCUI: 867328

Concept: black locust pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: black locust pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Robinia pseudoacacia pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867330

Concept: sheep sorrel pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: sheep sorrel pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Rumex acetosella pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867332

Concept: yellow dock pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: yellow dock pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Rumex crispus pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867336

Concept: Saccharomyces cerevisiae allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: saccharomyces cerevisiae allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form

RxCUI: 867338

Concept: black willow pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: black willow pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Salix nigra pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867340

Concept: Russian thistle pollen extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Russian thistle pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Salsola kali pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867346

Concept: red imported fire ant allergenic extract 10 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: red imported fire ant allergenic extract 10 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Solenopsis invicta allergenic extract 10 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867348

Concept: Johnson grass pollen extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Johnson grass pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Sorghum halepense pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867352

Concept: Stemphylium solani allergenic extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Stemphylium solani allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Stemphylium solani extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867356

Concept: queen palm pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: queen palm pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Syagrus romanzoffiana pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867360

Concept: Trichophyton mentagrophytes allergenic extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Trichophyton mentagrophytes allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Trichophyton mentagrophytes extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867364

Concept: wheat pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: wheat pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: cultivated wheat pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Triticum aestivum pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 867366

Concept: American elm pollen extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: American elm pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Ulmus americana pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 885753

Concept: southern ragweed pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: southern ragweed pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Ambrosia bidentata pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Ambrosia bidentata pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 889573

Concept: wheat pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: wheat pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: cultivated wheat pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Triticum aestivum pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Triticum aestivum pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 889587

Concept: Trichophyton mentagrophytes extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Trichophyton mentagrophytes allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Trichophyton mentagrophytes extract 0.1 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 889650

Concept: queen palm pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: queen palm pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: queen palm pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Syagrus romanzoffiana pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Syagrus romanzoffiana pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 895008

Concept: dog skin extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: dog skin extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Canis lupus familiaris epithelia extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Canis lupus familiaris epithelia extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 895036

Concept: dog skin extract 1000 UNT/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: dog skin extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Canis lupus familiaris epithelia extract 1,000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 895187

Concept: house mouse skin extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: house mouse skin extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Mus musculus epithelia extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Mus musculus epithelia extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 895290

Concept: domestic cow skin extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: domestic cow skin extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Bos taurus epithelia extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Bos taurus epithelia extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 895459

Concept: horse skin extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: horse skin extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Equus caballus epithelia extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: horse skin extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 895714

Concept: careless weed pollen extract 25 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: careless weed pollen extract 25 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Amaranthus palmeri pollen extract 0.025 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Amaranthus palmeri pollen extract 25 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 895922

Concept: spiny pigweed pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: spiny pigweed pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Amaranthus spinosus pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Amaranthus spinosus pollen extract 1 GM per 20 ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Amaranthus spinosus pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 896082

Concept: western waterhemp pollen extract 25 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: western waterhemp pollen extract 25 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Amaranthus tuberculatus pollen extract 25 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 896224

Concept: prairie sagebrush pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: prairie sagebrush pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Artemisia frigida pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Artemisia frigida pollen extract 1 GM per 20 ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Artemisia frigida pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 897394

Concept: Mexican tea pollen extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Mexican tea pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Chenopodium ambrosioides pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Chenopodium ambrosioides pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 897506

Concept: dogfennel pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: dogfennel pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Eupatorium capillifolium pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Eupatorium capillifolium pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 898010

Concept: alfalfa pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: alfalfa pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Medicago sativa pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Medicago sativa pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 898012

Concept: southern bayberry pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: southern bayberry pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Morella cerifera pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Morella cerifera pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: southern bayberry pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: wax myrtle pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 898407

Concept: annual bluegrass pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: annual bluegrass pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: annual bluegrass pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Poa annua pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Poa annua pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 901018

Concept: live oak pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: live oak pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: live oak pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Quercus virginiana pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Quercus virginiana pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 901025

Concept: black locust pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: black locust pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: black locust pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Robinia pseudoacacia pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Robinia pseudoacacia pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 901848

Concept: Alternaria alternata allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Alternaria alternata allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Alternaria alternata allergenic extract 0.1 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Alternaria tenuis allergenic extract 0.1 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 902218

Concept: common cocklebur pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: common cocklebur pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Xanthium strumarium var. canadense pollen extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 903916

Concept: broad leaved paperbark pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: broad leaved paperbark pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Melaleuca quinquenervia pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Melaleuca quinquenervia pollen extract 1:20 Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Melaleuca quinquenervia pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: punktree pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 904557

Concept: karaya gum allergenic extract 5 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: karaya gum allergenic extract 5 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: karaya gum allergenic extract 0.005 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: karaya gum extract 5 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 904826

Concept: rabbit skin extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: rabbit skin extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: rabbit epithelium extract 1:20 Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 904965

Concept: kapok tree fiber allergenic extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: kapok tree fiber allergenic extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Ceiba pentandra fiber allergenic extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: kapok tree fiber extract 5 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 905075

Concept: Acremonium strictum allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Acremonium strictum allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Acremonium strictum allergenic extract 0.1 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Sarocladium strictum allergenic extract 0.1 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 905261

Concept: American cockroach allergenic extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: American cockroach allergenic extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: American cockroach allergenic extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Periplaneta americana allergenic extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Periplaneta americana allergenic extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 905279

Concept: German cockroach allergenic extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: German cockroach allergenic extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Blatella germanica allergenic extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Blatella germanica allergenic extract 1 GM per 20 ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Blatella germanica allergenic extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 966779

Concept: American cockroach allergenic extract 100 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: American cockroach allergenic extract 100 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Periplaneta americana allergenic extract 100 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 966824

Concept: German cockroach allergenic extract 100 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: German cockroach allergenic extract 100 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Blatella germanica allergenic extract 100 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 966928

Concept: cotton fiber allergenic extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: cotton fiber allergenic extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: cotton fiber allergenic extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: cotton fiber extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 966958

Concept: cottonseed allergenic extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: cottonseed allergenic extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: cottonseed allergenic extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 966966

Concept: Phoma exigua var. exigua extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Phoma exigua var. exigua allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Phoma exigua var. exigua extract 0.1 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 967032

Concept: Candida albicans extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Candida albicans allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Candida albicans extract 0.1 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 967053

Concept: Cladosporium cladosporioides extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Cladosporium cladosporioides extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Cladosporium cladosporioides extract 0.1 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 967110

Concept: cotton fiber allergenic extract 1 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: cotton fiber allergenic extract 1 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: cotton fiber allergenic extract 0.001 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: cotton fiber extract 1 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 967373

Concept: Rhodotorula rubra allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Rhodotorula rubra allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Rhodotorula rubra extract 0.1 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 967869

Concept: Mucor plumbeus allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Mucor plumbeus allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Mucor plumbeus extract 0.1 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 967949

Concept: Neurospora intermedia allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: neurospora intermedia allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Neurospora intermedia allergenic extract 0.1 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 967973

Concept: Pyrethrum cinerariifolium allergenic extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Pyrethrum cinerariifolium allergenic extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Pyrethrum cinerariifolium extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Tanacetum cinerariifolium extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Tanacetum cinerariifolium extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 968002

Concept: red imported fire ant allergenic extract 10 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: red imported fire ant allergenic extract 10 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Solenopsis invicta allergenic extract 0.01 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Solenopsis invicta allergenic extract 10 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 968158

Concept: Stemphylium solani allergenic extract 100 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Stemphylium solani allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Stemphylium solani extract 0.1 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Stemphylium solani extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 968440

Concept: loose wheat smut allergenic extract 50 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: loose wheat smut allergenic extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Ustilago tritici extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Ustilago tritici extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 968812

Concept: Acremonium strictum allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Acremonium strictum allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Acremonium (Cephalosporium) strictum extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: black bundle disease fungus extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Sarocladium strictum allergenic extract 1000 UNT/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 995697

Concept: Aspergillus niger var. niger extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Aspergillus niger var. niger extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Aspergillus niger var. niger extract 0.1 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 995725

Concept: Fusarium oxysporum vasinfectum allergenic extract 100 MG/mL Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Fusarium oxysporum vasinfectum allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Fusarium oxysporum vasinfectum allergenic extract 0.1 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

RxCUI: 995746

Concept: Canada goldenrod pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): PSN - Prescribable Name
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity and for display purposes in electronic prescribing applications. Only one PSN per concept.
Concept: Canada goldenrod pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SCD - Semantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient + Strength + Dose Form
Concept: Solidago canadensis pollen extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.
Concept: Solidago canadensis pollen extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Term Type (TTY): SY - Synonym
Synonym of another TTY, given for clarity.

What is RxNorm?

RxNorm is a system developed and maintained by the National Library of Medicine (NLM). RxNorm is a normalized naming system for generic and branded drugs. RxNorm is also a tool that supports interoperability between different drug terminologies and other naming systems.

The goal of RxNorm is to facilitate the efficient exchange of drug information among the computer systems used by hospitals, pharmacies, clinics and other organizations. To achieve this goal RxNorm provides normalized names and unique identifiers for drugs and medicines.

What is an RXCUI?

An RxCUI is machine readable unique identifier that defines the same common concept. Every name and code provided to the National Library of Medicine receives an RXCUI. Drug products that map to the same RxCUI are considered the same drug while drugs that are distinct will have different RxCUIs.

What is a Term Type (TTY)?

Term Types (TTYs) are used to specify the level of complexity of each RxCUI term.

* This product uses publicly available data courtesy of the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services; NLM is not responsible for the product and does not endorse or recommend this or any other product.