Product Images Iomeron

View Photos of Packaging, Labels & Appearance

Product Label Images

The following 21 images provide visual information about the product associated with Iomeron NDC 0270-9400 by Bracco Diagnostics Inc, such as packaging, labeling, and the appearance of the drug itself. This resource could be helpful for medical professionals, pharmacists, and patients seeking to verify medication information and ensure they have the correct product.

Iomeron 250 Carton 100 mL - UK Iomeron 250 100ml box

Iomeron 250 Carton 100 mL - UK Iomeron 250 100ml box

This looks like a mix of several texts and symbols, none of which are coherent or in English language. It is not available.*

Iomeron 250 Vial 100 mL - UK Iomeron 250 100ml label

Iomeron 250 Vial 100 mL - UK Iomeron 250 100ml label

Iomeron 300 Carton 100 mL - UK Iomeron 300 100ml box

Iomeron 300 Carton 100 mL - UK Iomeron 300 100ml box

Iomeron 300 Vial 100 mL - UK Iomeron 300 100ml label

Iomeron 300 Vial 100 mL - UK Iomeron 300 100ml label

Iomeron 300 Carton 200 mL - UK Iomeron 300 200ml box

Iomeron 300 Carton 200 mL - UK Iomeron 300 200ml box

Iomeron 300 Vial 200 mL - UK Iomeron 300 200ml label

Iomeron 300 Vial 200 mL - UK Iomeron 300 200ml label

Iomeron 300 Carton 500 mL - UK Iomeron 300 500ml box

Iomeron 300 Carton 500 mL - UK Iomeron 300 500ml box

This appears to be a description of various solutions for injection, including Tomeprol and IOMmeron 300, in multi-dose containers. There are some symbols and characters that are not understandable or recognizable.*

Iomeron 300 Vial 500 mL - UK Iomeron 300 500ml label

Iomeron 300 Vial 500 mL - UK Iomeron 300 500ml label

Iomeron 300 is a solution for injection that comes in a multi-dose container. The active substance of the solution is Iomeprol, which is equivalent to 300mg iodine per milliliter. The container has a volume of 500 ml, and the solution is intended for intravenous use only. The product also contains Trometamol, hydrochloric acid, and water for injections. Users must read the package leaflet before use and store the solution below 30°C, protected from light. The contrast media bottle should only be used with an automatic injector and discarded 10 hours after first opening. The batch number and expiry date are available.*

Iomeron 350 Carton 100 mL - UK Iomeron 350 100ml box

Iomeron 350 Carton 100 mL - UK Iomeron 350 100ml box

Iomeron 350 Vial 100 mL - UK Iomeron 350 100ml label

Iomeron 350 Vial 100 mL - UK Iomeron 350 100ml label

Iomeron 350 Carton 200 mL - UK Iomeron 350 200ml box

Iomeron 350 Carton 200 mL - UK Iomeron 350 200ml box

Iomeron 350 Vial 200 mL - UK Iomeron 350 200ml label

Iomeron 350 Vial 200 mL - UK Iomeron 350 200ml label

Iomeron 350 Carton 500 mL - UK Iomeron 350 500ml box

Iomeron 350 Carton 500 mL - UK Iomeron 350 500ml box

This item is a description of two multi-dose containers of Iomeron 350 solution for injection. The text includes warnings about storage conditions and usage. There is also mention of a package and an automatic injector. The last line indicates that there may be two bottles of 2500 ml each.*

Iomeron 350 Vial 500 mL - UK Iomeron 350 500ml label

Iomeron 350 Vial 500 mL - UK Iomeron 350 500ml label

This is a package of Tomeprol - a solution for injection, multi-dose container which contains lomeprol as an active substance. The product is intended for intravenous use and has a concentration of 714.4 mg of lomeprol per ml. The package contains a bottle of 500mL, which can only be used with an automatic injector. It is essential to read the package leaflet before use and to dispose of the contrast media bottle ten hours after the first opening. The composition includes iodine and other inactive ingredients like Trometamol, hydrochloric acid and water for injections. The batch number and expiry date are mentioned, but the text does not specify what they refer to.*

Iomeron 400 Carton 100 mL - UK Iomeron 400 100ml box

Iomeron 400 Carton 100 mL - UK Iomeron 400 100ml box

Iomeron 400 Vial 100 mL - UK Iomeron 400 100ml label

Iomeron 400 Vial 100 mL - UK Iomeron 400 100ml label

Iomeron 400 Carton 200 mL - UK Iomeron 400 200ml box

Iomeron 400 Carton 200 mL - UK Iomeron 400 200ml box

Iomeron 400 Vial 200 mL - UK Iomeron 400 200ml label

Iomeron 400 Vial 200 mL - UK Iomeron 400 200ml label

Iomeron 400 Carton 500 mL - UK Iomeron 400 500ml box

Iomeron 400 Carton 500 mL - UK Iomeron 400 500ml box

Iomeron 400 is a solution for injection available in a multi-dose container. The text contains information related to packaging, dosage, and solution type.*

Iomeron 400 Vial 500 mL - UK Iomeron 400 500ml label

Iomeron 400 Vial 500 mL - UK Iomeron 400 500ml label

Iomeprol 400 is a solution for injection available in multi-dose containers, with each bottle having a capacity of 500 ml. The active substance in the solution is Iomeprol of strength 816.5 mg/mi, which is equivalent to 400mg of iodine/ml. Apart from the active substance, the injection solution also contains trometamol, hydrochloric acid, and water for injections. The recommended mode of administration is intravenous and usage should be limited to an automatic injector. The product should be away from children and light with storage temperature at or below 30°C. The user should be cautious about first opening the solution bottle and discard it after ten hours of first use. The package bottle comes with Bracco UK Lig manufacturer details, and specific batch and expiry date labeling.*

Alberto Spinazzi Signature - alberto signature

Alberto Spinazzi Signature - alberto signature

* The product label images have been analyzed using a combination of traditional computing and machine learning techniques. It should be noted that the descriptions provided may not be entirely accurate as they are experimental in nature. Use the information in this page at your own discretion and risk.