Product Images Dextrose

View Photos of Packaging, Labels & Appearance

Product Label Images

The following 7 images provide visual information about the product associated with Dextrose NDC 0338-0074 by Baxter Healthcare Corporation, such as packaging, labeling, and the appearance of the drug itself. This resource could be helpful for medical professionals, pharmacists, and patients seeking to verify medication information and ensure they have the correct product.

Structural Formula D-Glucose monohydrate - image 01

Structural Formula D-Glucose monohydrate - image 01

Representative Container Label 0338-0062-30 - image 02

Representative Container Label 0338-0062-30 - image 02

This seems to be a product information sheet for an injection solution containing 5% dextrose. It is packaged in a 250mL bag and contains 5g of dextrose hydrous per 100mL. The solution is intended for intravenous use and should be used following the direction of a physician. The sheet emphasizes the importance of using aseptic techniques when introducing additives and inspecting the bag for leaks to ensure safety. The solution must not be used in series connections or administered simultaneously with blood. The sheet provides storage instructions and cautions against using the solution after expiry. There are trademarks and the name of the manufacturer provided.*

Representative Container Label 0338-0074-30 - image 03

Representative Container Label 0338-0074-30 - image 03

5% Dextrose Injection USP 250 mL is a single-dose container used for intravenous therapy directed by physicians. The container should be inspected to ensure that it is intact before use as the solution should only be administered if it is clear. Additives may be incompatible and consultation with a pharmacist is essential before introducing them. The solution must be administered using aseptic techniques, and care must be taken to avoid excessive exposure to light. The container should not be used in series connections, and simultaneous administration with blood should be avoided. The solution should only be used until the expiration date and stored at room temperature (25°C/7°7) until ready for use. Sarter and Viafo are trademarks of Sater International for the production of natural b stex, DEF, or P products.*

Representative Container Label 0338-0066-20 - image 04

Representative Container Label 0338-0066-20 - image 04

This text is a product description for 5% Dextrose Injection USP in 500mL packaging. It contains dextrose, and additives may not be compatible. A pharmacist should be consulted before introducing additives. The dose must not exceed that directed by a physician. Caution needs to be taken to ensure that the bag holding the injection is safe and not broken. The injection should not be administered simultaneously with blood and should not be used unless the solution is clear. The product should be stored in a dry place at room temperature. The information provided also includes the trademark owner and their contact information.*

Representative Container Label 0338-0078-20 - image 05

Representative Container Label 0338-0078-20 - image 05

5% Dextrose Injection USP 500 mL is a sterile and non-pyrogenic solution for intravenous use. Each 100L contains 5g Dextrose USP. It is advised to consult with a pharmacist before introducing additives as it may be incompatible. Use aseptic technique and do not use the solution if leaks are found. It should not be used simultaneously with blood. The solution should be stored at room temperature and kept away from excessive heat and moisture. VIAFL is an inert rubber made product. Baxter and Vi are trademarks of Baxter International Inc. Contact Baxter Healthcare Corporation for product information. However, the first word "vato" is not understandable and "praopaes" and "Semotany" are misspelled words, so it is not a perfect text.*

Representative Container Label 0338-0070-10 - image 06

Representative Container Label 0338-0070-10 - image 06

This is a description of a medical product - 5% Dextrose Injection, USP 1000mL, which is used for intravenous purposes under strict observation and guidance of a medical professional. It contains 5g Dextrose Hydrous P, and specific guidelines for storage, usage, compatibility with additives, administration techniques, and disposal are mentioned. The product can't be used in series connections, and caution is advised for administering it simultaneously with blood. The manufacturer and some trademark names are mentioned as well. The text also has several unclear and random characters, making it difficult to read.*

Representative Container Label 0338-0082-10 - image 07

Representative Container Label 0338-0082-10 - image 07

This is a description of a medicine or solution used for intravenous injection. The product is called "5% Dextrose Injection USP" and comes in a 1000 mL package. The package must be checked for leaks before use and should not be used if it is not clear. It should not be used with blood and must be discarded if leaks are found. The medicine should be stored in a dry place at room temperature until ready to use. It also provides some dosage guidance and cautions.*

* The product label images have been analyzed using a combination of traditional computing and machine learning techniques. It should be noted that the descriptions provided may not be entirely accurate as they are experimental in nature. Use the information in this page at your own discretion and risk.