Product Images Sodium Acetate

View Photos of Packaging, Labels & Appearance

Product Label Images

The following 4 images provide visual information about the product associated with Sodium Acetate NDC 0641-6262 by Hikma Pharmaceuticals Usa Inc., such as packaging, labeling, and the appearance of the drug itself. This resource could be helpful for medical professionals, pharmacists, and patients seeking to verify medication information and ensure they have the correct product.

Sodium Acetate 50 mL Vial Label - sodium acetate injection usp pbp 1

Sodium Acetate 50 mL Vial Label - sodium acetate injection usp pbp 1

Sodium Acetate 50 mL PBP Carton - sodium acetate injection usp pbp 2

Sodium Acetate 50 mL PBP Carton - sodium acetate injection usp pbp 2

This text appears to contain information about a medication called Sodium Acetate Injection, USP. It provides details such as the concentration (100 mEq per 50 mL), directions for use (Pharmacy Bulk Pack for Direct Infusion), and a caution about the need for dilution before intravenous administration. Specific instructions are given for discarding the solution after 4 hours if not used. The text also includes some identification numbers (NDC 0541626201) and a manufacturer's information. This Sodium Acetate solution is intended for intravenous use only.*

Sodium Acetate 100 mL Vial label - sodium acetate injection usp pbp 3

Sodium Acetate 100 mL Vial label - sodium acetate injection usp pbp 3

This text appears to be a label for a medication called Sodium Acetate Injection, USP. It provides information about the manufacturer (Hikma Pharmaceuticals USA Inc.), dosage (200 mEq per 100 mL), package type (Pharmacy Bulk Package), and instructions for use (not for direct infusion, must be diluted for intravenous use only). It also includes a caution statement and details on storage conditions. The text seems to be an important reference for healthcare professionals handling this medication.*

Sodium Acetate 100 mL Carton label - sodium acetate injection usp pbp 4

Sodium Acetate 100 mL Carton label - sodium acetate injection usp pbp 4

This is a description of Sodium Acetate Injection, USP in a Pharmacy Bulk Package with each mL containing sodium acetate, anhydrous 164 mg. It is for intravenous use only and needs to be diluted before use. The package contains 10 x 100 mL vials and should be stored at 20° to 25°C. It is important to follow proper aseptic technique and use a sterile dispensing set or transfer device for administration. The product is manufactured by Hikma Pharmaceuticals USA Inc.*

* The product label images have been analyzed using a combination of traditional computing and machine learning techniques. It should be noted that the descriptions provided may not be entirely accurate as they are experimental in nature. Use the information in this page at your own discretion and risk.