Product Images Diltiazem Hydrochloride

View Photos of Packaging, Labels & Appearance

Product Label Images

The following 8 images provide visual information about the product associated with Diltiazem Hydrochloride NDC 0641-9217 by Hikma Pharmaceuticals Usa Inc., such as packaging, labeling, and the appearance of the drug itself. This resource could be helpful for medical professionals, pharmacists, and patients seeking to verify medication information and ensure they have the correct product.

Diltiazem Hydrochloride Structural Formula - diltiazem hcl injection novaplus 1

Diltiazem Hydrochloride Structural Formula - diltiazem hcl injection   novaplus 1

This is a chemical formula consisting of various organic compounds including OCH3, S, @i 0COCH3, N, CHoCH2N(CH3)2 and *HCl. Based on the limited information provided in the text, it is unclear what these compounds are or how they are used.*

new logo - diltiazem hcl injection novaplus 2

new logo - diltiazem hcl injection   novaplus 2

This appears to be a label of Diltiazem HCI Injection with information on dosage, storage, and disposal. It is not clear from the text what the purpose of the injection may be or what any potential side effects or warnings might be.*

5 mL vial container - diltiazem hcl injection novaplus 3

5 mL vial container - diltiazem hcl injection   novaplus 3

This appears to be a medication label for Diltiazem HCI Injection at a concentration of 25 mg per 5 ml. The label contains information regarding the dosage, storage temperature, and handling instructions. It also mentions the inclusion of certain ingredients, such as Diiz Hyiochors USP and Sodem. The text advises the user to discard any unused portion and provides a contact number for further inquiries.*

5 mL vial x 10 shelfpack - diltiazem hcl injection novaplus 4

5 mL vial x 10 shelfpack - diltiazem hcl injection   novaplus 4

This is a description of a medication called Diltiazem HCI Injection, available in a single-dose bottle containing 50mg per 10mL. It is manufactured by a company called Hime and is intended for direct intravenous bolus injection or continuous infusion. The text also includes dosage instructions and a warning to discard any unused portion of the medication.*

10 mL vial NOVAPLUS - diltiazem hcl injection novaplus 5

10 mL vial NOVAPLUS - diltiazem hcl injection   novaplus 5

This is a description of a medication called Diltiazem HCI Injection which is to be administered through intravenous infusion and is a single-dose vial of 1010 mL. The medication consists of 5 mg of Diltiazem Hydrochloride, along with other ingredients. The pH range of the medication is between 3.7 to 4.1. The usual dosage is mentioned in the package insert and it is recommended to be stored in refrigeration at 2° to 8°C and not be frozen. The medication can be stored at room temperature for up to 4 months and should be discarded after 1 month at room temperature. This medication is manufactured by Hikma and Novaplus is a registered trademark of Vi.*

10 mL vial x 10 NOVAPLUS - diltiazem hcl injection novaplus 6

10 mL vial x 10 NOVAPLUS - diltiazem hcl injection   novaplus 6

This appears to be a partial product label or instruction manual for an injectable medication called Diltiazem HCI. The text indicates that it is supplied in a 25 mL single dose vial and can be administered via direct IV bolus injection or continuous infusion. It also provides information on storage and expiration date.*

25 mL vial NOVAPLUS - diltiazem hcl injection novaplus 7

25 mL vial NOVAPLUS - diltiazem hcl injection   novaplus 7

This is the description of a medication named Diltiazem HCI Injection that can be administered through direct Intravenous bolus injection and continuous Intravenous infusion. The medication is available in a pack of 10 singe do novaplus with 25mL capacity. The standard dosage and storage instructions are also provided. The name of the brand and manufacturer are mentioned, but the significances are not clear.*

10 x 25 mL shelfpack NOVAPLUS - diltiazem hcl injection novaplus 8

10 x 25 mL shelfpack NOVAPLUS - diltiazem hcl injection   novaplus 8

This appears to be a product label or packaging label. It contains a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) of 0301234567896, a Serial Number (SN) of 1234567890123, an expiration date of MMMYYYY, and a lot number of ABCDE12345. This information is commonly used in inventory management and tracking products throughout their life cycle.*

* The product label images have been analyzed using a combination of traditional computing and machine learning techniques. It should be noted that the descriptions provided may not be entirely accurate as they are experimental in nature. Use the information in this page at your own discretion and risk.