Product Images Dextrose And Sodium Chloride

View Photos of Packaging, Labels & Appearance

Product Label Images

The following 6 images provide visual information about the product associated with Dextrose And Sodium Chloride NDC 0990-7925 by Icu Medical Inc., such as packaging, labeling, and the appearance of the drug itself. This resource could be helpful for medical professionals, pharmacists, and patients seeking to verify medication information and ensure they have the correct product.

Dextrose structural formula - dextrose 01

Dextrose structural formula - dextrose 01

PRINCIPAL DISPLAY PANEL - 1000 mL Bag Label - NDC 0990-7924-09 - dextrose 02

PRINCIPAL DISPLAY PANEL - 1000 mL Bag Label - NDC 0990-7924-09 - dextrose 02

This is a 1000mL container of 5% dextrose and 0.225% sodium chloride injection, USP. Each 100mL contains 5g of dextrose, 225mg of sodium chloride in water for injection, with electrolytes per 1000mL including sodium at 38.5 mEq and chloride at 38.5 mEq. This is a sterile, non-pyrogenic, single-dose container and should be used only for IV. The solution should only be used if the container is undamaged and clear. It has a pH of 4.3 and contains DEHP. Additives may be incompatible, so consult a pharmacist before adding any. They should be added with aseptic technique and mixed well before use as they should not be stored.*

PRINCIPAL DISPLAY PANEL - 1000 mL Bag Overwrap - NDC 0990-7924-09 - dextrose 03

PRINCIPAL DISPLAY PANEL - 1000 mL Bag Overwrap - NDC 0990-7924-09 - dextrose 03

This is a set of instructions for opening a container. It advises not to remove the overwrap until ready to use and check for leaks before use. It also provides recommendations for storage at room temperature, avoiding excessive heat, and protecting from freezing. There is a reference to an insert for further information.*

PRINCIPAL DISPLAY PANEL - 1000 mL Bag Label - NDC 0990-7925-09 - dextrose 04

PRINCIPAL DISPLAY PANEL - 1000 mL Bag Label - NDC 0990-7925-09 - dextrose 04

This is a description of a medicine that comes in a 1000 mL container with NDC number 0990-7925-09. It contains 5% dextrose and 0.3% sodium chloride in injection form. Each 100 mL of the solution has 5 g of dextrose and 300 mg of sodium chloride. The electrolytes present in 1000 are 51 mEg of sodium and chloride each. It is a single-dose container that should only be used if the solution is clear and the container is undamaged. The medicine contains DEHP and may be incompatible with other additives. It is produced by ICU Medical, Inc. from Illinois, USA. The recommended dosage is not available.*

PRINCIPAL DISPLAY PANEL - 1000 mL Bag Label - NDC 0990-7926-09 - dextrose 05

PRINCIPAL DISPLAY PANEL - 1000 mL Bag Label - NDC 0990-7926-09 - dextrose 05

This is a 1000 mL single-dose container of 5% dextrose and 0.45% sodium chloride injection, USP. Each 100 mL contains 5 g of dextrose and 450 mg of sodium chloride in water for injection. The electrolytes per 1000 mL are sodium 77 mEq and chloride 77 mEq. The pH is 4.3 (3.5 to 6.5). Additives may be incompatible, and a pharmacist should be consulted. The container contains DEHP and must not be used in series connections. It is manufactured by ICU Medical, Inc. in Illinois, USA.*

PRINCIPAL DISPLAY PANEL - 1000 mL Bag Label - NDC 0990-7941-09 - dextrose 06

PRINCIPAL DISPLAY PANEL - 1000 mL Bag Label - NDC 0990-7941-09 - dextrose 06

This is a description of a 1000 mL intravenous solution containing 5% dextrose and 0.9% sodium chloride which is sterile, nonpyrogenic and must be used as a single-dose container. The electrolytes per 1000 mL are sodium at 154 mEq and chloride at 154 mEq. The pH value is 4.3(3.5t06.5) and the osmolality is 560 mOsmol/LITER (CALC). The container also contains DEHP and therefore when introducing additives, ASEPTIC TECHNIQUE SHOULD BE USED, MIX THOROUGHLY AND DO NOT STORE. Consultation with a pharmacist is also recommended beforehand. The usual dosage can be found in the insert.*

* The product label images have been analyzed using a combination of traditional computing and machine learning techniques. It should be noted that the descriptions provided may not be entirely accurate as they are experimental in nature. Use the information in this page at your own discretion and risk.