Product Images Cyzone Studio Look Base De Alta Cobertura Y Larga Duracion Fps 20 Toffee 240-c

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Product Label Images

The following 10 images provide visual information about the product associated with Cyzone Studio Look Base De Alta Cobertura Y Larga Duracion Fps 20 Toffee 240-c NDC 14141-031 by Bel Star S A, such as packaging, labeling, and the appearance of the drug itself. This resource could be helpful for medical professionals, pharmacists, and patients seeking to verify medication information and ensure they have the correct product.

8 - ALMENDRA 230 N page 0001 (1)

8 - ALMENDRA 230 N page 0001 (1)

This appears to be the package or label for a sunscreen product. It includes drug facts, warnings, directions for use, and a list of active ingredients. The product has an SPF 20 rating and is made in Colombia.*

4 - AVENA 170 N page 0001

4 - AVENA 170 N page 0001

This appears to be a label for a sunscreen product with an SPF of 20. The product contains Octinoxato 4, which is a sun protection ingredient. The label also provides warnings about the risk of skin cancer and aging associated with sun exposure, as well as instructions for proper use. The product is distributed by Ventura Corp Ltd in San Juan, Puerto Rico and made in Colombia.*

1 - AZUCAR BLANCA 110 C.pdf final page 0001

1 - AZUCAR BLANCA 110 C.pdf final page 0001

This is a description of a sunscreen product with the brand name "La Base Studio FPS 20". The product is aimed at preventing sunburn and aging from exposure to the sun, but it is not designed to prevent skin cancer or other kinds of skin damage. It contains Octinoxato as an active ingredient, and is meant to be applied liberally to skin at least every 2 hours. The product should not be used on damaged or broken skin, and if a rash occurs it is recommended to stop using it and seek medical attention. This sunscreen is water-resistant, but sweat may reduce its effectiveness. The product includes instructions for use, as well as a list of its non-active ingredients. The product is distributed by Ventura Corp, Ltd. in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and is made in Colombia.*

7 - CARAMELO 210 F page 0001

7 - CARAMELO 210 F page 0001

This is a sunscreen with an SPF 20, which should be applied 15 minutes before sun exposure and reapplied every 2 hours or immediately after swimming or sweating. The product helps prevent sunburn but not skin cancer or early skin aging, so caution should be exercised. It is intended for external use only and cannot be used on damaged or broken skin. The sunscreen contains Octinoxato 4, which is the active ingredient, and several other ingredients like water, dimethicone, and fragrance. The manufacturer is Ventura Corp, and the sunscreen is distributed in Puerto Rico.*

2 - CHANTILLY 130 F page 0001

2 - CHANTILLY 130 F page 0001

This text contains information about a sunscreen product with SPF 20, containing active ingredient Octinoxato 4. The product is intended for external use only and must be applied liberally and evenly 15 minutes before sun exposure. It is advised to reapply the product every 2 hours or after sweating, and children under 6 months of age should consult a doctor before using it. The product warns about the increased risk of skin cancer and early skin aging due to sun exposure and alerts users not to use the product on damaged or broken skin. The text also provides a list of ingredients and contact information for the distributor.*

10 - DULCE DE LECHE 260 N page 0001

10 - DULCE DE LECHE 260 N page 0001

This is a sunscreen product with an SPF of 20 that comes in a 30-gram tube. The text includes drug facts and warnings about the increased risk of skin cancer and aging due to sun exposure. The product should be applied at least every 2 hours and is water-resistant. It contains active ingredients like Octinoxato 4 and inactive ingredients like jojoba esters and tocopheryl acetate. The product is distributed by Ventura Corp, Ltg, from San Juan, Puerto Rico, and is made in Colombia.*

6 - MIEL 200 C page 0001

6 - MIEL 200 C page 0001

5 - NUEZ 180 F page 0001

5 - NUEZ 180 F page 0001

This seems to be a product description for a sunscreen lotion with an SPF of 20. The lotion is meant for external use only and may help prevent sunburn. However, it may not protect against skin cancer or early skin aging. The lotion should be applied liberally and reapplied at least every two hours or after sweating or swimming. It should not be used on damaged or broken skin and should be kept out of reach of children. The lotion contains several active and inactive ingredients, which are listed in the text. The product is distributed by Ventura Corp in San Juan, Puerto Rico and was made in Colombia.*

9 - TOFFEE 240 C page 0001

9 - TOFFEE 240 C page 0001

3 - VAINILLA 140 C page 0001

3 - VAINILLA 140 C page 0001

This product is a sunscreen with an SPF of 20, provided in a 30g container. It contains Octinoxato as the active ingredient to help prevent sunburn. This sunscreen is applicable for external use only and should be applied liberally 15 minutes before sun exposure. Reapplication is required every 2 hours, especially when sweating or expose to water. It is not designed to prevent skin cancer or early skin aging despite providing some protection against them. The product should not be used on broken skin, and if a rash occurs, the use should be discontinued, and a doctor's advice should be sought immediately. The sunscreen is water-resistant and should be kept out of eyes. It contains some other ingredients like jojoba esters, dimethicone, sodium chloride, etc. The product is distributed by Ventura Corp., San Juan(Puerto Rico) and made in Colombia.*

* The product label images have been analyzed using a combination of traditional computing and machine learning techniques. It should be noted that the descriptions provided may not be entirely accurate as they are experimental in nature. Use the information in this page at your own discretion and risk.