Product Images Clarite Makeup Foundation For A Clearer Appearance Spf 30 230-n

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Product Label Images

The following 6 images provide visual information about the product associated with Clarite Makeup Foundation For A Clearer Appearance Spf 30 230-n NDC 14141-210 by Bel Star S A, such as packaging, labeling, and the appearance of the drug itself. This resource could be helpful for medical professionals, pharmacists, and patients seeking to verify medication information and ensure they have the correct product.

CJ-56415 B 170N - CJ 56415 B (170 N)

CJ-56415 B 170N - CJ 56415 B (170 N)

Product name: Lbel- CLARITE Whitening Spot Clarifying Base SPF 30 9g. This product is intended for Puerto Rico, USA.*

CJ-56415-B 180F - CJ 56415 B (180 F)

CJ-56415-B 180F - CJ 56415 B (180 F)

Product Name: Lbel- CLARITE Clarifying Blemish Base SPF 30 9g. This product is intended for export to Puerto Rico, USA.*

CJ-56415 B 220C - CJ 56415 B (220 C)

CJ-56415 B 220C - CJ 56415 B (220 C)

Product Name: Lbel- CLARITE AAclaradora Spot Clarifying Base FPS 30 9g. This product is intended for Puerto Rico, USA.*

CJ-56415-B 230N - CJ 56415 B (230 N)

CJ-56415-B 230N - CJ 56415 B (230 N)

This is a product description for an Lbel skin care product called "CLARITE Base AAclaradora de Manchas FPS 30". It comes in a 9g size and contains SPF 30 sunscreen. The product is intended to clarify and reduce dark spots on the skin. The product is destined for Puerto Rico and the USA.*

CJ-56415-B 310C - CJ 56415 B (310 C)

CJ-56415-B 310C - CJ 56415 B (310 C)

Product Name: Lbel- CLARITE Spot Clarifying Base FPS 30. This is a cosmetic product that comes in a size of 9g. The product is intended to be shipped to Puerto Rico, USA, as per plan number DS010479A dated 02/11/20.*

CJ-56415-B 390N - CJ 56415 B (390 N)

CJ-56415-B 390N - CJ 56415 B (390 N)

This is a product description for Lbel CLARITE Base, a clarifying and protective makeup foundation that helps to even out skin tone and reduce the appearance of spots or blemishes. It has SPF 30 sun protection and it comes in a 9g package. The product was destined for Puerto Rico, USA, and the document was created on November 2nd, 2020.*

* The product label images have been analyzed using a combination of traditional computing and machine learning techniques. It should be noted that the descriptions provided may not be entirely accurate as they are experimental in nature. Use the information in this page at your own discretion and risk.