Product Images Apap

View Photos of Packaging, Labels & Appearance

Product Label Images

The following 3 images provide visual information about the product associated with Apap NDC 17714-014 by Advance Pharmaceutical Inc., such as packaging, labeling, and the appearance of the drug itself. This resource could be helpful for medical professionals, pharmacists, and patients seeking to verify medication information and ensure they have the correct product.

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This appears to be the drug facts label for a type of medication that contains acetaminophen. The purpose of each caplet is to provide pain relief and reduce fever. It is recommended to not exceed 6 caplets (3,000 mg) in a 24 hour period, as this may cause severe liver damage. Additionally, consuming alcohol while using this product is not recommended. The label is from "Advance Pharmaceutical Inc." and it is noted that they are not affiliated with the trademark owner of "Extra Strength Tylenol®."*

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This is a Drug Facts label with instructions and warnings for a medication containing acetaminophen. The label advises against using the medication with other drugs containing acetaminophen, warns of possible allergic reactions and potential liver damage from an overdose. It also provides instructions for adults and children over 12 years old to take the medication, and warnings for not exceeding the recommended dosage. The label lists the inactive ingredients and provides contact information for any questions or comments.*

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* The product label images have been analyzed using a combination of traditional computing and machine learning techniques. It should be noted that the descriptions provided may not be entirely accurate as they are experimental in nature. Use the information in this page at your own discretion and risk.