Product Images Shierjie Disinfecting Soft Wipes Antibacterial

View Photos of Packaging, Labels & Appearance

Product Label Images

The following 15 images provide visual information about the product associated with Shierjie Disinfecting Soft Wipes Antibacterial NDC 43116-026 by Shenzhen Shierjie Biological Engineering Co., Ltd, such as packaging, labeling, and the appearance of the drug itself. This resource could be helpful for medical professionals, pharmacists, and patients seeking to verify medication information and ensure they have the correct product.

43116-004-01 1P - 43116 004 01 1P

43116-004-01 1P - 43116 004 01 1P

Not available.*

43116-004-02 10P - 43116 004 02 10P

43116-004-02 10P - 43116 004 02 10P

43116-004-03 40P - 43116 004 03 40P

43116-004-03 40P - 43116 004 03 40P

43116-004-04 50P - 43116 004 04 50P

43116-004-04 50P - 43116 004 04 50P

43116-004-05 60P - 43116 004 05 60P

43116-004-05 60P - 43116 004 05 60P

43116-004-06 80P - 43116 004 06 80P

43116-004-06 80P - 43116 004 06 80P

43116-004-07 90P - 43116 004 07 90P

43116-004-07 90P - 43116 004 07 90P

43116-004-08 100P - 43116 004 08 100P

43116-004-08 100P - 43116 004 08 100P

This text appears to contain a mix of product information and measurements including a product code (6924053766239) and information about 100 pieces of the product with dimensions 15cm x 20cm. Other details include information about CMYK colors, and a mention of disinfecting surface wipes recommended by doctors. The text also includes a variety of measurements in millimeters. It is possible this text may be related to a product catalog or advertisement.*

43116-004-09 120P - 43116 004 09 120P

43116-004-09 120P - 43116 004 09 120P

This appears to be a mix of product specifications, including quantities, dimensions, color codes (CMYK and Pantones), and labeling information for a disinfectant product with soft wipes. It is not clear what the significance of the "120 7 P M R ST" text may be.*

43116-004-10 60P - 43116 004 10 60P

43116-004-10 60P - 43116 004 10 60P

This is a drug facts sheet for an antiseptic product made by Shenzhen Shierjie Biological Engineering Co. The sheet lists details such as the hygienic license number, production date, location, and company. It also includes information on the active and inactive ingredients of the product, directions for use, and warnings. The product is meant for external use only, and users are advised to keep it away from the eyes and to seek medical help immediately if it is swallowed. It also cautions users to stop using the product if they experience irritation or rash.*

43116-004-11 80P - 43116 004 11 80P

43116-004-11 80P - 43116 004 11 80P

This is a drug facts label for a hygienic product containing benzalkonium chloride and dodecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride as antiseptics. The product is used to decrease bacteria on skin and comes with a validity of 2 years from the production date. The label provides the hygienic and executive standard for the antiseptic, as well as the production location and company contact information. The product is for external use only, and the label warns not to use it on children less than two months of age and not to get it into the eyes. The label gives directions for use for adults and children above two years old, and mentions inactive ingredients such as Aloe Barbadensis extract, glycerin, and aqua.*

43116-004-12 100P - 43116 004 12 100P

43116-004-12 100P - 43116 004 12 100P

This is a product label for an antiseptic hand wipe produced by Shenzhen Shierjie Biological Engineering Co.,LTD. The wipe contains an active ingredient, Hyglenl_c, that decreases bacteria on skin. The production location is Shenzhen, Guangdong. The label warns that the wipe should only be used externally and kept away from heat or flame. The product should not be used on children less than 2 months of age or if allergic to any of the ingredients. Directions for use include applying the wipe to hands for adults and children 2 years and over and consulting a doctor before use for children under 2 years of age. The label provides the production date, company address, and contact information.*

43116-004-13 120P - 43116 004 13 120P

43116-004-13 120P - 43116 004 13 120P

This is a drug facts label for a product made by Shenzhen Shierjie Biological Engineering Co., LTD. The product decreases bacteria on the skin and contains active ingredients which are not mentioned. The label includes information on the production date, location, validity date, and hygienic standards. It warns that the product is for external use only and should not be used on children under two months of age. If irritation or rash develops and continues for over 72 hours, users should stop using the product and seek medical help. The product is made in China and includes inactive ingredients such as Aloe Barbadensis Extract and Glycerin. Directions for use include allowing to dry without wiping for those over two years old, while children under 2 years should ask a doctor before use.*

43116-004-14 160P - 43116 004 14 160P

43116-004-14 160P - 43116 004 14 160P

This is a drug called MR TR 160 B made by Shenzhen Shierjie Biological Engineering Co., LTD in China. It is an antiseptic to decrease bacteria on the skin. The active ingredients and directions are not provided, nor are the percentages of CMYK and BPANTONES. The product warning says it is for external use only and should be kept away from heat or flame. It should not be used on children less than two months old. If swallowed, medical help or contact with Poison Control center is recommended. The product has a validity date of two years from the production date, which is not disclosed.*

43116-004-15 1000P - 43116 004 15 1000P

43116-004-15 1000P - 43116 004 15 1000P

This is a drug facts label for a product called BN W O OEYEREE 1000 B from Shenzhen Shierjie Biological Engineering Co. The product is an antiseptic with an active ingredient used for decreasing bacteria on the skin. The label includes the hygiene license number, antiseptic hygienic standard, and antiseptic executive standard. The product is intended for external use only, and users are warned not to get it in their eyes or use it on children under two months of age. Children under two years old should also consult a doctor before use. The product includes aloe barbadensis extract, glycerin, and aqua as inactive ingredients. It comes in a non-woven towel and should be allowed to dry without wiping. The package dimensions are 15cm x 20cm. The production date is indicated on the package, and the product is valid for two years.*

* The product label images have been analyzed using a combination of traditional computing and machine learning techniques. It should be noted that the descriptions provided may not be entirely accurate as they are experimental in nature. Use the information in this page at your own discretion and risk.