NDC 43742-2177 Bp Reg

Adrenalinum,Allium Sativum,Alpha-lipoicum Acidum,Arteria Suis,Aurum Metallicum,Cactus - View Dosage, Usage, Ingredients, Routes, UNII

Product Information

NDC Product Code:
Proprietary Name:
Bp Reg
Non-Proprietary Name: [1]
Adrenalinum, Allium Sativum, Alpha-lipoicum Acidum, Arteria Suis, Aurum Metallicum, Cactus Grandiflorus, Cholesterinum, Cortisone Aceticum, Coumarinum, Formalinum, Glonoinum, Kali Chloricum, Lachesis Mutus, Proteus (vulgaris), Rauwolfia Serpentina, Strontium Carbonicum, Sulphur, Thyroidinum (suis), Vena Suis, Veratrum Album
Substance Name: [2]
Alpha Lipoic Acid; Cholesterol; Cortisone Acetate; Coumarin; Epinephrine; Formaldehyde Solution; Garlic; Gold; Lachesis Muta Venom; Nitroglycerin; Potassium Chlorate; Proteus Vulgaris; Rauwolfia Serpentina; Selenicereus Grandiflorus Stem; Strontium Carbonate; Sulfur; Sus Scrofa Artery; Sus Scrofa Vein; Thyroid; Veratrum Album Root
NDC Directory Status:
Human Otc Drug
Product Type: [3]
Dosage Form:
Liquid - A dosage form consisting of a pure chemical in its liquid1 state. This dosage form term should not be applied to solutions.
Administration Route(s): [4]
  • Oral - Administration to or by way of the mouth.
  • Labeler Code:
    Marketing Category: [8]
    UNAPPROVED HOMEOPATHIC - A category specifying that a product is marketed as unapproved homeopathic product.
    Start Marketing Date: [9]
    Listing Expiration Date: [11]
    Exclude Flag: [12]
    Code Navigator:

    Code Structure Chart

    Product Details

    What is NDC 43742-2177?

    The NDC code 43742-2177 is assigned by the FDA to the product Bp Reg which is a human over the counter drug product labeled by Deseret Biologicals, Inc.. The generic name of Bp Reg is adrenalinum, allium sativum, alpha-lipoicum acidum, arteria suis, aurum metallicum, cactus grandiflorus, cholesterinum, cortisone aceticum, coumarinum, formalinum, glonoinum, kali chloricum, lachesis mutus, proteus (vulgaris), rauwolfia serpentina, strontium carbonicum, sulphur, thyroidinum (suis), vena suis, veratrum album. The product's dosage form is liquid and is administered via oral form. The product is distributed in a single package with assigned NDC code 43742-2177-1 30 ml in 1 bottle, dropper . This page includes all the important details about this product, including active and inactive ingredients, pharmagologic classes, product uses and characteristics, UNII information and RxNorm crosswalk.

    What are the uses for Bp Reg?

    1-10 drops under the tongue, 3 times a day or as directed by a health professional. Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years of age.

    What are Bp Reg Active Ingredients?

    An active ingredient is the substance responsible for the medicinal effects of a product specified by the substance's molecular structure or if the molecular structure is not known, defined by an unambiguous definition that identifies the substance. Each active ingredient name is the preferred term of the UNII code submitted.
    • ALPHA LIPOIC ACID 12 [hp_X]/mL - An octanoic acid bridged with two sulfurs so that it is sometimes also called a pentanoic acid in some naming schemes. It is biosynthesized by cleavage of LINOLEIC ACID and is a coenzyme of oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (KETOGLUTARATE DEHYDROGENASE COMPLEX). It is used in DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS.
    • CHOLESTEROL 12 [hp_X]/mL - The principal sterol of all higher animals, distributed in body tissues, especially the brain and spinal cord, and in animal fats and oils.
    • CORTISONE ACETATE 8 [hp_X]/mL - A naturally occurring glucocorticoid that has been used in replacement therapy for ADRENAL INSUFFICIENCY and as an anti-inflammatory agent. Cortisone itself is inactive; it is converted in the liver to the active metabolite HYDROCORTISONE. (From Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th ed, p726)
    • COUMARIN 12 [hp_X]/mL
    • EPINEPHRINE 8 [hp_X]/mL - The active sympathomimetic hormone from the ADRENAL MEDULLA. It stimulates both the alpha- and beta- adrenergic systems, causes systemic VASOCONSTRICTION and gastrointestinal relaxation, stimulates the HEART, and dilates BRONCHI and cerebral vessels. It is used in ASTHMA and CARDIAC FAILURE and to delay absorption of local ANESTHETICS.
    • GARLIC 6 [hp_X]/mL - A species of Allium used as a spice (SPICES) and traditional remedy. It contains alliin lyase and alliin, which is converted by alliin lyase to allicin, the pungent ingredient responsible for the aroma of fresh cut garlic.
    • GOLD 12 [hp_X]/mL - A yellow metallic element with the atomic symbol Au, atomic number 79, and atomic weight 197. It is used in jewelry, goldplating of other metals, as currency, and in dental restoration. Many of its clinical applications, such as ANTIRHEUMATIC AGENTS, are in the form of its salts.
    • LACHESIS MUTA VENOM 12 [hp_X]/mL
    • NITROGLYCERIN 12 [hp_X]/mL - A volatile vasodilator which relieves ANGINA PECTORIS by stimulating GUANYLATE CYCLASE and lowering cytosolic calcium. It is also sometimes used for TOCOLYSIS and explosives.
    • PROTEUS VULGARIS 16 [hp_X]/mL - A species of gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, rod-shaped bacteria that occurs in soil, fecal matter, and sewage. It is an opportunistic pathogen and causes cystitis and pyelonephritis.
    • RAUWOLFIA SERPENTINA 12 [hp_X]/mL - A plant genus of the APOCYNACEAE or dogbane family. Alkaloids from plants in this genus have been used as tranquilizers and antihypertensive agents. RESERPINE is derived from R. serpentina.
    • SULFUR 12 [hp_X]/mL - An element that is a member of the chalcogen family. It has an atomic symbol S, atomic number 16, and atomic weight [32.059; 32.076]. It is found in the amino acids cysteine and methionine.
    • SUS SCROFA ARTERY 8 [hp_X]/mL
    • SUS SCROFA VEIN 8 [hp_X]/mL
    • THYROID 8 [hp_X]/mL - A highly vascularized endocrine gland consisting of two lobes joined by a thin band of tissue with one lobe on each side of the TRACHEA. It secretes THYROID HORMONES from the follicular cells and CALCITONIN from the parafollicular cells thereby regulating METABOLISM and CALCIUM level in blood, respectively.
    • VERATRUM ALBUM ROOT 12 [hp_X]/mL

    Which are Bp Reg UNII Codes?

    The UNII codes for the active ingredients in this product are:

    Which are Bp Reg Inactive Ingredients UNII Codes?

    The inactive ingredients are all the component of a medicinal product OTHER than the active ingredient(s). The acronym "UNII" stands for “Unique Ingredient Identifier” and is used to identify each inactive ingredient present in a product. The UNII codes for the inactive ingredients in this product are:

    Which are the Pharmacologic Classes for Bp Reg?

    * Please review the disclaimer below.

    Product Footnotes

    [1] What is the Non-Proprietary Name? - The non-proprietary name is sometimes called the generic name. The generic name usually includes the active ingredient(s) of the product.

    [2] What is the Substance Name? - An active ingredient is the substance responsible for the medicinal effects of a product specified by the substance's molecular structure or if the molecular structure is not known, defined by an unambiguous definition that identifies the substance. Each active ingredient name is the preferred term of the UNII code submitted.

    [3] What kind of product is this? - Indicates the type of product, such as Human Prescription Drug or Human Over the Counter Drug. This data element matches the “Document Type” field of the Structured Product Listing.

    [4] What are the Administration Routes? - The translation of the route code submitted by the firm, indicating route of administration.

    [5] What is the Labeler Name? - Name of Company corresponding to the labeler code segment of the Product NDC.

    [8] What is the Marketing Category? - Product types are broken down into several potential Marketing Categories, such as NDA/ANDA/BLA, OTC Monograph, or Unapproved Drug. One and only one Marketing Category may be chosen for a product, not all marketing categories are available to all product types. Currently, only final marketed product categories are included. The complete list of codes and translations can be found at www.fda.gov/edrls under Structured Product Labeling Resources.

    [9] What is the Start Marketing Date? - This is the date that the labeler indicates was the start of its marketing of the drug product.

    [11] What is the Listing Expiration Date? - This is the date when the listing record will expire if not updated or certified by the product labeler.

    [12] What is the NDC Exclude Flag? - This field indicates whether the product has been removed/excluded from the NDC Directory for failure to respond to FDA"s requests for correction to deficient or non-compliant submissions ("Y"), or because the listing certification is expired ("E"), or because the listing data was inactivated by FDA ("I"). Values = "Y", "N", "E", or "I".