Product Images Eliquis

View Photos of Packaging, Labels & Appearance

Product Label Images

The following 8 images provide visual information about the product associated with Eliquis NDC 50090-1437 by A-s Medication Solutions, such as packaging, labeling, and the appearance of the drug itself. This resource could be helpful for medical professionals, pharmacists, and patients seeking to verify medication information and ensure they have the correct product.

Apixaban Chemical Structure - apixaban struct

Apixaban Chemical Structure - apixaban struct

ARISTOTLE Forest Plot - eliquis clin forest fig5

ARISTOTLE Forest Plot - eliquis clin forest fig5

ARISTOTLE Major Bleeding Forest Plot - eliquis forest fig1

ARISTOTLE Major Bleeding Forest Plot - eliquis forest fig1

This is a table with different subgroups of patients comparing the use of Apixaban versus Warfarin in terms of event occurrence. The table shows the number of patients, the percentage per year, the hazard ratio, and the corresponding confidence interval for each subgroup. The subgroups are classified by patient characteristics such as age, weight, stroke or TIA history, and geographic region. The table also shows whether randomization was used and if the patient has diabetes or a certain score on the CHADS scale. The table indicates that Apixaban has better results in terms of event occurrence compared to Warfarin in various subgroups of patients.*

ARISTOTLE Kaplan-Meier Curve - eliquis km fig4

ARISTOTLE Kaplan-Meier Curve - eliquis km fig4

Effects of drugs on PK - eliquis pkplot drugs fig2

Effects of drugs on PK - eliquis pkplot drugs fig2

This appears to be a table or chart showing the interaction of certain drugs with P-gp and CYP3A4 inhibitors and inducers. The table shows the fold change in drug PK (pharmacokinetics) and 90% CI (confidence interval) for drugs such as ketoconazole, glarithromycin, diltiazem, naproxen, and rifampin. The table also shows the AUC (area under the curve) and the relative change in comparison to a reference drug.*

O:\E-Submissions\PBO\PRODUCTS\Eliquis 202155\08. PAS ESRD Dosing\01. Orig Submission\Source\eliquis-pkplot-pop-fig3.jpg - eliquis pkplot pop fig3

O:\E-Submissions\PBO\PRODUCTS\Eliquis 202155\08. PAS ESRD Dosing\01. Orig Submission\Source\eliquis-pkplot-pop-fig3.jpg - eliquis pkplot pop fig3

This is a population description for PK parameters for various renal and hepatic impairments, age groups, and body weights. The data shows fold change and 90% CI for different parameters relative to the reference, and provides dosing recommendations, including "no dose adjustment" and "dosing recommendation cannot be provided".*

Label Image - lbl500901436

Label Image - lbl500901436

This text appears to be a label for a medication named "APTXABAN" which contains 2.5 MG and has 60 tablets. The label also provides storage instructions to keep the medication at 6870 7 degrees Celsius. The other text "1mc, zes, préduct. 6813-0, tllous" is not clear and cannot be understood.*

Label Image - lbl500901437

Label Image - lbl500901437

This appears to be a label for a medication called "APTXABAN" with a strength of 5mg. The label indicates that the medication should be stored at 68-77 degrees Fahrenheit and includes 60 tablets. No further information is available.*

* The product label images have been analyzed using a combination of traditional computing and machine learning techniques. It should be noted that the descriptions provided may not be entirely accurate as they are experimental in nature. Use the information in this page at your own discretion and risk.