Product Images Duloxetine Delayed-release

View Photos of Packaging, Labels & Appearance

Product Label Images

The following 11 images provide visual information about the product associated with Duloxetine Delayed-release NDC 50090-3205 by A-s Medication Solutions, such as packaging, labeling, and the appearance of the drug itself. This resource could be helpful for medical professionals, pharmacists, and patients seeking to verify medication information and ensure they have the correct product.

Chemical Structure - duloxetine 01

Chemical Structure - duloxetine 01

Figure 1 - duloxetine 02

Figure 1 - duloxetine 02

The text describes a graph showing the proportion of patients who experienced relapse over time after being randomly assigned to either a placebo or Duloxetine delayed-release capsules. The graph has a y-axis ranging from 0 to 10 and an x-axis showing the time from randomization to relapse in days. The graph suggests that patients on the Duloxetine capsules had a lower proportion of relapse over time compared to those on the placebo.*

Figure 2 - duloxetine 03

Figure 2 - duloxetine 03

The text describes a graph displaying the proportion of patients experiencing relapse over time after being randomized to either placebo or Duloxeine delayed-release capsules. The x-axis shows time in days and the y-axis shows the proportion of patients with relapse. There are five data points on the graph at 0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 days for both the placebo and Duloxeine groups. The graph suggests that the proportion of patients with relapse is lower in the Duloxeine group compared to the placebo group.*

Figure 3 - duloxetine 04

Figure 3 - duloxetine 04

Figure 4 - duloxetine 05

Figure 4 - duloxetine 05

Figure 5 - duloxetine 06

Figure 5 - duloxetine 06

Figure 6 - duloxetine 07

Figure 6 - duloxetine 07

Figure 8 - duloxetine 08

Figure 8 - duloxetine 08

This document contains information about the percentage of patients who improved after taking placebo or DUL 60/120 mg once daily. The percentage values are given, but there isn't enough context to determine what type of improvement was measured. Additionally, there is a graph showing the percent improvement in pain from baseline (BOCF), with values ranging from 0 to 100, but it is not clear what the x or y-axis represents. Therefore, a comprehensive description of the document is not available.*

Figure 9 - duloxetine 09

Figure 9 - duloxetine 09

This document appears to be a graph or chart showing the percentage of patients who improved after taking a certain medication. The medication in question is likely called "DUL" and was taken at a dose of 60 mg once per day. The graph also includes a placebo group for comparison. There is a column of numbers labeled "Percent Improvement in Pain from Baseline (BOCF)", which could indicate that the medication is intended to treat pain. However, it is unclear what the numbers in the table mean without additional context or a key.*

Figure 10 - duloxetine 10

Figure 10 - duloxetine 10

This document appears to be a graph displaying the percentage of patients who experienced improvement using a placebo and DUL60/120 mg once daily, as well as the percent improvement in pain from baseline. It is not clear what the specific condition being studied is or what the units of measurement are for the percent improvement.*

Label Image - lbl500903205

Label Image - lbl500903205

* The product label images have been analyzed using a combination of traditional computing and machine learning techniques. It should be noted that the descriptions provided may not be entirely accurate as they are experimental in nature. Use the information in this page at your own discretion and risk.