Product Images Cialis

View Photos of Packaging, Labels & Appearance

Product Label Images

The following 11 images provide visual information about the product associated with Cialis NDC 54868-5956 by Physicians Total Care, Inc., such as packaging, labeling, and the appearance of the drug itself. This resource could be helpful for medical professionals, pharmacists, and patients seeking to verify medication information and ensure they have the correct product.

image of 10 mg package label - 4665

image of 10 mg package label - 4665

image of 20 mg package label - 4968

image of 20 mg package label - 4968

image of 5 mg package label - 5956

image of 5 mg package label - 5956

This is a label for Cialis medication, with the distribution information provided by Physicians Total Care. The NDC number for the medication is 54868-5956-0, and the lot number is 546. The medication's expiration date is 01/68. The remaining text is not readable.*

Chemical Structure - cialis uspi f001 structure v1

Chemical Structure - cialis uspi f001 structure v1

Figure - cialis uspi f001 v2

Figure - cialis uspi f001 v2

This is a graph showing the plasma concentration of Tadalafil (in μg/l) in the blood over time (in hours) after administration of a single dose of 5mg or 20mg of Tadalafil. There is also data for the plasma concentration after once-daily 5mg Tadalafil following 5 consecutive days of administration.*

Figure - cialis uspi f002 v1

Figure - cialis uspi f002 v1

This appears to be a table with headings "Difference", "Tadalafil minus Placebo, mmHg", "Standing Systolic BP", "Standing Diastolic BP", "Supine Systolic BP", "Supine Diastolic BP", and "Time (Hours)". The values under the headings seem to represent measurements in mmHg at different time intervals. It is not clear what the data is referring to or what the context is, so a more specific description cannot be provided.*

Figure - cialis uspi f003 v1

Figure - cialis uspi f003 v1

The text seems to contain a mix of numerical, alphabets, special characters, and a chart. Therefore, it is not possible to generate a useful description.*

Figure - cialis uspi f004 v1

Figure - cialis uspi f004 v1

Figure 5 - cialis uspi f005 v1

Figure 5 - cialis uspi f005 v1

Figure 6 - cialis uspi f006 v1

Figure 6 - cialis uspi f006 v1

The text describes a graph or chart showing the change from baseline in IPSS total score in response to treatment with CIALIS 5mg or placebo, over a certain duration of weeks. The graph shows a statistically significant improvement in the treatment group compared to the placebo group, as indicated by the asterisk next to the p-value.*

Figure 7 - cialis uspi f007 v1

Figure 7 - cialis uspi f007 v1

The text describes a graph or chart showing the change from baseline in IPSS (International Prostate Symptom Score) total score over a duration of 12 weeks for two treatments: 5mg Ciaus and Placebo. The graph shows that the change in IPSS total score for Ciaus is significantly different from placebo (marked with *p<0.01).*

* The product label images have been analyzed using a combination of traditional computing and machine learning techniques. It should be noted that the descriptions provided may not be entirely accurate as they are experimental in nature. Use the information in this page at your own discretion and risk.