Product Images Clobazam

View Photos of Packaging, Labels & Appearance

Product Label Images

The following 8 images provide visual information about the product associated with Clobazam NDC 62135-527 by Chartwell Rx, Llc, such as packaging, labeling, and the appearance of the drug itself. This resource could be helpful for medical professionals, pharmacists, and patients seeking to verify medication information and ensure they have the correct product.

bottle-label - clobazam container label

bottle-label - clobazam container label

clobazam-figure-1 - clobazam figure 1

clobazam-figure-1 - clobazam figure 1

The text appears to be a table representing "% Reduction in" with some values for different categories ranging from "-80" to "68.3". The categories include Placebo, Low, Medium, and High. It also includes some symbols like "*", ">", and "<" with values of "p<005" and "p<001".*

clobazam-figure-2 - clobazam figure 2

clobazam-figure-2 - clobazam figure 2

This text represents a chart or graph showing the percentage of patients in different treatment groups for a certain condition, along with their improvement in weekly drop seizure frequency from baseline. The treatment groups include a Placebo, Clobazam Low, Medium, and High. The chart also shows the range of reduction in weekly drop seizure frequency from baseline.*

clobazam-figure-a - clobazam figure a

clobazam-figure-a - clobazam figure a

clobazam-figure-b - clobazam figure b

clobazam-figure-b - clobazam figure b

clobazam-figure-c - clobazam figure c

clobazam-figure-c - clobazam figure c

clobazam-figure-d - clobazam figure d

clobazam-figure-d - clobazam figure d

clobazam-structure-formula.jpg - clobazam structure formula

clobazam-structure-formula.jpg - clobazam structure formula

* The product label images have been analyzed using a combination of traditional computing and machine learning techniques. It should be noted that the descriptions provided may not be entirely accurate as they are experimental in nature. Use the information in this page at your own discretion and risk.