Product Images Phenytoin

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Product Label Images

The following 5 images provide visual information about the product associated with Phenytoin NDC 64980-573 by Rising Pharma Holdings, Inc., such as packaging, labeling, and the appearance of the drug itself. This resource could be helpful for medical professionals, pharmacists, and patients seeking to verify medication information and ensure they have the correct product.

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This is a product label for Phenytoin, which is a type of medication used to treat seizures. The provided information includes the National Drug Code (NDC) number 64980-673-01, the drug name "Phenytoin," the pharmaceutical form "Chewable Tablets, USP," and the quantity "100 Tablets."*

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phenytoin-struc - phenytoin struc

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This description presents a table outlining the risk associated with antiepileptic drugs based on different indications in a pooled analysis. The table includes information such as the number of events per 1000 patients for both placebo and drug patients, the relative risk of events in drug patients compared to placebo patients, and the risk difference. The indications listed in the table are epilepsy, psychiatric conditions, and other conditions.*

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This text provides a detailed list of drugs that can affect phenytoin concentrations in the body. It categorizes drugs that may increase phenytoin serum levels into groups like antiepileptic drugs, azoles, antineoplastic agents, antidepressants, gastric acid reducing agents, and others. It also includes drugs that may decrease phenytoin serum levels, such as antacids, antineoplastic agents, antiviral agents, and other medications like chronic alcohol abuse and folic acid. Additionally, the text mentions drugs that may either increase or decrease phenytoin serum levels, mainly focusing on antiepileptic drugs like phenobarbital, valproate sodium, and valproic acid. It also gives preventive or management advice that phenytoin and antacids should not be taken at the same time of day to avoid interactions.*

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Table 3 provides a list of drugs that are affected by Phenytoin, a medication commonly used to treat seizures. Phenytoin can impact the efficacy of various drugs such as azoles, antineoplastic agents, delavirdine, neuromuscular blocking agents, warfarin, corticosteroids, anticoagulants, antiepileptic drugs, antilipidemic agents, antiplatelets, and antiviral agents. For some drugs, the levels may be decreased or increased when coadministered with Phenytoin. Monitoring and careful management are essential to ensure optimal treatment outcomes when using Phenytoin alongside these medications.*

* The product label images have been analyzed using a combination of traditional computing and machine learning techniques. It should be noted that the descriptions provided may not be entirely accurate as they are experimental in nature. Use the information in this page at your own discretion and risk.