Product Images Na

View Photos of Packaging, Labels & Appearance

Product Label Images

The following 13 images provide visual information about the product associated with Na NDC 68055-641 by Sintetica Sa, such as packaging, labeling, and the appearance of the drug itself. This resource could be helpful for medical professionals, pharmacists, and patients seeking to verify medication information and ensure they have the correct product.

LidocaineHydrochloride - Lidocaine Hydrochloride

LidocaineHydrochloride - Lidocaine Hydrochloride

label amp 1 10ml - label amp 1 10ml

label amp 1 10ml - label amp 1 10ml

label amp 1 2ml - label amp 1 2ml

label amp 1 2ml - label amp 1 2ml

This is a description of an injectable solution of Lidocaine HCI with a concentration of 1%, 20 mg per 2 mL, or 10 mg/mL. The solution is intended for infiltration and nerve block procedures, including Caudal and Epidural injections. The solution is free of Methylparaben and is contained in a 2 mL Single Dose ampule. Unused portions must be discarded. The manufacturer of the product is Sinetica SA, located in Mendrisio, Switzerland. The Lot and EXP information is not available.*

label amp 1 5ml - label amp 1 5ml

label amp 1 5ml - label amp 1 5ml

This is a product label for Lidocaine HCI injection, USP with the National Drug Code (NDC) 68055-642:01. The label does not provide any further useful information and appears to have some errors.*

label amp 2 10ml - label amp 2 10ml

label amp 2 10ml - label amp 2 10ml

This is a description of a medication called Lidocaine HCI, which comes in a 10 L single dose ampule for injection. The medication is 2% Lidocaine HCI with 200 mg/10 mL. The medication does not contain ethylparaben and is not intended for inhalation. There are usage instructions on the package which state that any unused portion should be discarded. The manufacturer of the medication is Sinteica SA, but the lot number is not available.*

label amp 2 2ml - label amp 2 2ml

label amp 2 2ml - label amp 2 2ml

This is a description of Lidocaine HCI, an injection for nerve blockages and pain relief. It contains 40mg of the active ingredient per 2mL of solution (20mg/mL). The label also includes a product code (NOC 6605564501) and lot number. The remaining text is difficult to understand and may be an error or incomplete.*

label amp 2 5ml - label amp 2 5ml

label amp 2 5ml - label amp 2 5ml

outer carton 1 10ml - outer pack 1 10ml

outer carton 1 10ml - outer pack 1 10ml

This appears to be a label for Lidocaine Hydrochloride Injection, USP with 1% concentration and 100mg/10mL strength. It is indicated for filtration and nerve block, including caudal and epidural use. It contains no Methylparaben and is not intended for inhalation. The first line may be a product or batch code, and the remaining text gives administration and composition information.*

outer carton 1 2ml - outer pack 1 2ml

outer carton 1 2ml - outer pack 1 2ml

outer carton 1 5ml - outer pack 1 5ml

outer carton 1 5ml - outer pack 1 5ml

outer carton 2 10ml - outer pack 2 10ml

outer carton 2 10ml - outer pack 2 10ml

outer carton 2 2ml - outer pack 2 2ml

outer carton 2 2ml - outer pack 2 2ml

Lidocaine Hydrochloride Injection, USP is a medication used for anesthesia and nerve blocks under controlled room temperature, including caudal and epidural use. This injection is free of methylparaben and contains 20 mg of Lidocaine HOI and sodium chloride. It should be sold only in unbroken packages.*

outer carton 2 5ml - outer pack 2 5ml

outer carton 2 5ml - outer pack 2 5ml

Lidocaine Hydrochloride Injection is a sterile solution containing 20 mg/mL of usocaine HO and Sodium Chloride intended for nerve block, including caudal and epidural use. The injection is manufactured by Sintetica and does not contain methylparaben. The solution is to be sold only as an unbroken package. The text seems to have some errors.*

* The product label images have been analyzed using a combination of traditional computing and machine learning techniques. It should be noted that the descriptions provided may not be entirely accurate as they are experimental in nature. Use the information in this page at your own discretion and risk.