Drug Pricing Penicillamine

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Current Pricing Information

The most recent wholesale price for a package of 100 CAPSULE in 1 BOTTLE is $9.29138 per billable unit.Penicillamine is a a human prescription drug labeled by Oceanside Pharmaceuticals and is priced per "EA" unit. The pricing information is based on the National Average Drug Acquisition Cost (NADAC) and is effective since 05-22-2024.

NADAC pricing data is based on random monthly surveys and reflects the average drug invoice price paid by retail community pharmacies to wholesalers. The data source for this pricing survey was a C/I - Chain or Independent Pharmacy.

Field Name Field Value
Price per Unit $9.29138
Effective Date Effective Date
The effective date of the NADAC Per Unit cost.
Pricing Unit Pricing Unit
Indicates the pricing unit for the associated NDC (ML, GM or EA).
Estimated Billable Units per Package 100 EA
Estimated Wholesale Price per Package $929.14
NDC Code 68682-020-10
Package Description 100 CAPSULE in 1 BOTTLE
Pharmacy Type Indicator Pharmacy Type Indicator
The source of pharmacy survey data used to calculate the NADAC. 'C/I' indicates data was collected from surveys of Chain/Independent pharmacies. Other pharmacy type indicators are not used at this time.
C/I - Chain or Independent Pharmacy
Explanation Code Explanation Code
The source of pharmacy survey data used to calculate the NADAC. 'C/I' indicates data was collected from surveys of Chain/Independent pharmacies. Other pharmacy type indicators are not used at this time.
Code 1: The NADAC was calculated using information from the most recently completed pharmacy survey.
Code 6: The CMS Covered Outpatient File drug category type of S/I/N (Single Source/Innovator/Non-Innovator) has not been applied. Most S/I drugs with the same strength, dosage form and route of administration were grouped together for the purpose of the NADAC calculation and N drugs were also grouped together. In some cases, however, in calculating a NADAC, the CMS S/I/N designation was not applied when the state Medicaid brand or generic payment practices for these drugs generally differed from the CMS Covered Outpatient File designation.
Classification for Rate Setting Classification for Rate Setting
Indicates whether the NDC was considered brand (B) or generic (G) for the NADAC rate calculation process. If the NDC was considered brand (B) and approved under an Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA), the indicator is shown as (B-ANDA).
G - Generic
As of Date 06-05-2024

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) compile the NADAC data based on random monthly surveys on more than 60,000 pharmacies from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. NADAC pricing information is NOT the price paid by end-customers but instead the price paid by pharmacies to drug wholesalers and distributors.

Pricing History

The NADAC wholesale price of Penicillamine 68682-020-10 has fluctuated from a low of $9.29138 to a high of $9.29138 per billable unit . The historical price table below includes all the price changes based on the monthly surveys of retail and chain pharmacies taken by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

Effective Date Price per Unit Pricing Unit Pharmacy Type Indicator Explanation Code Classification Rate Setting
05-22-2024$9.29138EAC/I - Chain or Independent PharmacyCode 1: The NADAC was calculated using information from the most recently completed pharmacy survey.
Code 6: The CMS Covered Outpatient File drug category type of S/I/N (Single Source/Innovator/Non-Innovator) has not been applied. Most S/I drugs with the same strength, dosage form and route of administration were grouped together for the purpose of the NADAC calculation and N drugs were also grouped together. In some cases, however, in calculating a NADAC, the CMS S/I/N designation was not applied when the state Medicaid brand or generic payment practices for these drugs generally differed from the CMS Covered Outpatient File designation.
G - Generic

The pricing data in this page is based on the National Average Drug Acquisition Cost (NADAC). The NADAC data is compiled by CMS and updated every week. The NADAC dataset is designed to help create a national benchmark reflective of the wholesale prices paid by retails pharmacies to acquire prescription and over-the-counter drugs. The pricing information in this page reflects the reference point that healthcare programs like Medicaid may use to reimburse pharmacies. The pricing data is this page is NOT the price paid by end-customers.

NADAC Pricing Data Last Updated on: June 05, 2024