Product Images Clopidogrel Bisulfate

View Photos of Packaging, Labels & Appearance

Product Label Images

The following 14 images provide visual information about the product associated with Clopidogrel Bisulfate NDC 69117-1010 by Yiling Pharmaceutical,inc., such as packaging, labeling, and the appearance of the drug itself. This resource could be helpful for medical professionals, pharmacists, and patients seeking to verify medication information and ensure they have the correct product.

4ec4203e f1f8 0398 e054 00144ff88e88

4ec4203e f1f8 0398 e054 00144ff88e88

75mg-1000s - 75mg 1000s

75mg-1000s - 75mg 1000s

This is a medication guide for YILING containing 75mg of clopidogrel base. Each tablet contains 97.875mg of clopidogrel bisulfate equivalent to 75mg of clopidogrel base. The guide states that the tablets should be stored within a temperature range of 15°C to 30°C, and should be dispensed to patients with an accompanying medication guide. The medication is manufactured by Soliegen Pharmaceuticals, only available as 1,000 tablets. It is distributed by Yiling Pharmaceutical, Inc. The dimensions of the tablet are 2.5" wide and 6.0" long.*

75mg-30s - 75mg 30s

75mg-30s - 75mg 30s

This is a medication called YILING, containing 97.875mg of clopidogrel bisulfate. The recommended dosage should be reviewed via the accompanying package. The medication guide must be dispensed to each patient. It should be stored in temperature ranging from 15°C to 30°C. The manufacturer is SoleGen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. while the distributor is Yiing Pharmaceutical, Inc.*

75mg-500s - 75mg 500s

75mg-500s - 75mg 500s

This is a description of a medication named Yiling. Each tablet of Yiling contains 97.875 mg of clopidogrel bisulfate, USP equivalent to. The medication comes in tablets, USP with a size of 5.0"L. The medication should be stored between 15° to 30°C (59° to 86°F) as per USP Controlled Room Temperature. The pharmaceutical company, Seleen Prarmaoeuticas, is responsible for producing the medication. Yiling is distributed by the pharmaceutical company, Viing Phamaoeutioa, and a bottle contains 500 tablets of 79mg each. The prescription can only be given by a licensed medical professional (RxOnly). The rest of the characters in the text seem to be unreadable.*

75mg-90s - 75mg 90s

75mg-90s - 75mg 90s

This document contains information regarding a medication called YILING. Each tablet contains 97.875 mg of clopidogrel bisulfate, USP equivalent to 75mg of clopidogrel base. It also provides dosage, administration, and storage instructions. The medication guide is individual-specific and should be provided to each patient to whom the medication is dispensed. The medication is manufactured by Sugen Pharmaceutical and distributed by Yiling Pharmaceuticals in the USA.*

Figure 1 - Figure 1

Figure 1 - Figure 1

The figure shows the impact of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) on the exposure to the active metabolite of Clopidogrel. The mean and 90% confidence interval of the effect of co-administered PPIs on the active metabolite's area under the curve (AUC) are presented. There is a comparison between the administration of Clopidogrel alone and its co-administration with PPIs.*

Figure 2 - Figure 2

Figure 2 - Figure 2

This is a figure depicting the occurrence of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, and stroke in the CURE study. The x-axis shows the months of follow-up and the y-axis shows the cumulative event rate (%). There are two lines on the graph: a blue line representing the group that received clopidogrel with aspirin and a red line representing the group that received a placebo with aspirin. The graph shows that the group receiving clopidogrel had a lower occurrence of cardiovascular events compared to the placebo group. The figure also mentions the use of other standard therapies as appropriate.*

Figure 3 - Figure 3

Figure 3 - Figure 3

Figure 4 - Figure 4

Figure 4 - Figure 4

This text appears to be a report comparing the number of deaths and risks associated with Placebo and Clopidogrel medications. The report contains a chart showing the percentage of deaths and the proportional risk of each medication, with a focus on the first 54 discharges after randomization, with a time frame of up to 28 days. According to the chart, there were 1845 deaths (8.1%) in the Placebo group and 1726 deaths (7.5%) in the Clopidogrel group. The proportional risk was about 7%, with a p-value of 0.03 before reduction.*

Figure 5 - Figure 5

Figure 5 - Figure 5

This appears to be a statistical analysis of a clinical trial involving patients who were randomized into two groups and given either Placeho or Clopidogrel. The text provides information on the percentage of patients who experienced an event (not specified), the percentage with death, and the proportional risk reduction for re-infarction. There is also a graph showing the distribution of events over time, up to 28 days.*

Figure 6 - Figure 6

Figure 6 - Figure 6

This is a table displaying medical data related to a study. The data includes subgroup number, gender, age at entry, hours since onset, systolic blood pressure, and heart rate. It also includes whether a fibrinolytic agent was given or not, and the overall numbers of participants. There is also information related to the use of the drug Clopidogrel. However, without further context, it is difficult to determine the purpose of the study or the implications of the data.*

Figure 7 - Figure 7

Figure 7 - Figure 7

This data table displays the cumulative event rate (%) for fatal or non-fatal vascular events under the use of Aspirin and Clopidogrel drugs, at 6, 12, 18, and 24 months of follow-up. The characters "@" and "&" do not provide any useful information.*

Figure 8 - Figure 8

Figure 8 - Figure 8

The text appears to be a table showing data related to the efficacy of Clopidogrel and Aspirin in patients with stroke and PAD. The table displays the number and percentage of patients who received Clopidogrel and Aspirin, and the comparison of the effectiveness of both drugs. There is also a line indicating the overall data for all patients. The last row shows a Hazard Ratio with a confidence interval from 2006 to 2013.*

Structural formula - Structural formula

Structural formula - Structural formula

* The product label images have been analyzed using a combination of traditional computing and machine learning techniques. It should be noted that the descriptions provided may not be entirely accurate as they are experimental in nature. Use the information in this page at your own discretion and risk.