Product Images Levetiracetam

View Photos of Packaging, Labels & Appearance

Product Label Images

The following 10 images provide visual information about the product associated with Levetiracetam NDC 71335-2098 by Bryant Ranch Prepack, such as packaging, labeling, and the appearance of the drug itself. This resource could be helpful for medical professionals, pharmacists, and patients seeking to verify medication information and ensure they have the correct product.

figure 1 - e24dd8a7 86c4 4979 8f2e da2d82f5d6d8 01

figure 1 - e24dd8a7 86c4 4979 8f2e da2d82f5d6d8 01

This text provides a formula to calculate the total daily dose of a medication based on the patient's weight and the daily dose in milligrams per kilogram. The medication's concentration is also given as 100 mg/mL.*

figure 2 - e24dd8a7 86c4 4979 8f2e da2d82f5d6d8 02

figure 2 - e24dd8a7 86c4 4979 8f2e da2d82f5d6d8 02

structure - e24dd8a7 86c4 4979 8f2e da2d82f5d6d8 03

structure - e24dd8a7 86c4 4979 8f2e da2d82f5d6d8 03

figure 4 - e24dd8a7 86c4 4979 8f2e da2d82f5d6d8 04

figure 4 - e24dd8a7 86c4 4979 8f2e da2d82f5d6d8 04

figure 5 - e24dd8a7 86c4 4979 8f2e da2d82f5d6d8 05

figure 5 - e24dd8a7 86c4 4979 8f2e da2d82f5d6d8 05

This appears to be a table showing the percentage of patients with different levels of response in a study comparing the effectiveness of a placebo to two different doses of a medication called Levetiracetam. The percentages shown represent the proportion of patients in each group who had a particular level of response. However, without additional context or headings, it is difficult to say exactly what these levels of response represent.*

figure 6 - e24dd8a7 86c4 4979 8f2e da2d82f5d6d8 06

figure 6 - e24dd8a7 86c4 4979 8f2e da2d82f5d6d8 06

figure 7 - e24dd8a7 86c4 4979 8f2e da2d82f5d6d8 07

figure 7 - e24dd8a7 86c4 4979 8f2e da2d82f5d6d8 07

This appears to be a chart displaying percentages of different categories of patients who received either a placebo or Levetiracetam in a study. However, without more information it is difficult to discern the exact meaning and context of the percentages.*

figure 8 - e24dd8a7 86c4 4979 8f2e da2d82f5d6d8 08

figure 8 - e24dd8a7 86c4 4979 8f2e da2d82f5d6d8 08

This is a comparison of two groups of patients who were given either a placebo or levetiracetam. The percentages indicate the proportion of patients who responded positively to the treatments, with 19.6% responding positively to the placebo and 43.1% responding positively to levetiracetam. The sample sizes for each group are also provided (N=51 for the placebo group and N=58 for the levetiracetam group).*

figure 9 - e24dd8a7 86c4 4979 8f2e da2d82f5d6d8 09

figure 9 - e24dd8a7 86c4 4979 8f2e da2d82f5d6d8 09

This appears to be a chart that shows the percentage of patients who experienced certain outcomes (represented on the y-axis) while taking a placebo or levetiracetam (represented on the x-axis). The outcomes are not described and there is no context provided to understand what the percentages represent.*

Label - lbl713352098

Label - lbl713352098

This appears to be a label for a medication package. The medication is likely a 750mg tablet of Keppra, produced by Lupin Limited. The package contains 30 tablets and should be stored at room temperature. The NDC number provided is 7133520981. The label also includes a disclaimer to keep all drugs out of reach of children.*

* The product label images have been analyzed using a combination of traditional computing and machine learning techniques. It should be noted that the descriptions provided may not be entirely accurate as they are experimental in nature. Use the information in this page at your own discretion and risk.